Who's On TV?

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Yang: That's a fictional show, you know right?

Ruby then looks at (Y/N).

Ruby: You're (F/N) (L/N), right?

(Y/N) stares at Ruby with a blank face, completely speechless.

Maria: Well? Speak up.

(Y/N): Yeah...

Ruby: See! I told you!

Everyone seemed to be completely befuddled about what the situation at hand was. Everyone except Ruby, who was shaking from excitement, and Yang, who seemed to be staring at (Y/N) with a large amount of suspicion.

Yang: If you're (Y/N), prove it.

(Y/N): Wha- How?

Yang: Your semblance, when and where did you get it?

Yang was testing (Y/N), to see whether or not (Y/N)'s real life events lined up withthe events of the show she used to watch. At least, that's what (Y/N)'s power told him.

(Y/N): I was ten! And I... uh... got it from this rock at a museum!

Yang: What rock was it?

(Y/N): Aw fuck... it was... uh... Mag- something. Magnesium! It was magnesium!

Yang's face turn to one of surprise and realisation. She continued to test (Y/N).

Yang: What was the score you got on your math exam when you were sixteen?

(Y/N): Ninety! I remember that! Highest score I got without my power.

Ruby: You did use your power for that one.

(Y/N): I... don't know what ya talking about.

Yang interrupted the two weebs.

Yang: Who went missing when you were-

(Y/N): It was Gwen Poole...

(Y/N) clearly didn't want to talk about his still missing friend. Yang continued.

Yang: Do you know where she went to?

There was a short second of silence.

(Y/N): No... I don't... I've been looking for her for ages.

Yang walked up to (Y/N) and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Yang: You're (Y/N) alright. I remember the scene when you found out.

(Y/N): At least I know you won't kill me now.

Yang had a little chuckle. Weiss interrupted the laugh.

Weiss: How did you know what was going on when we were battling Caroline? Or that you knew about Ruby's silver eyes? Or even her name?

The bullhead suddenly went completely silent as everyone began to rebuild their suspicion of (Y/N).

(Y/N): Uhh... can I just first ask something? I'm on a fictional show here?

Ruby: Wait. You don't know?

(Y/N): No I don't know! How the heck am I a fictional character?

Blake: I'm more interested in how a fictional character got in the real world.

Oscar: Yeah. How'd you get here?

(Y/N): I uhh... fell into a portal.

Qrow: How do you just fall into a portal?

(Y/N): This guy, he killed my Mum and sent me here. I tried to trick him into thinking I escaped, but it's like he knew my every move.

Ruby: Could be time travel?

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now