Let Me Explain To Myself

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The Unbelievable Gwenpool : Twenty Minutes Ago...

(Y/N), Ruby, Miku, Monika and Gwen exited the portal to find themselves on top of a high rise building. Ayano and the other four past versions of themselves we laying down on the ground in front of them.

Past Ruby: Are you gonna kill us?

(Y/N) looked up to see past Gwen with her mask on. She was holding an assault rifle in each hand. The other by (Y/N)'s side knew exactly what was about to happen.

(Y/N): Yes.

Past (Y/N): There goes your time travel theory.

Miku steps in front of (Y/N) She starts to sign a line from David Guetta's "Titanium".

Miku: I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose.

Miku formed a blue transparent wall that curved around the five of them. Past Gwen started to unload her two assault rifles onto the bulletproof wall. Monika quickly reacted by typing up some more code.

"replace gun.gwen with air"

Past Gwen's guns then disappeared into thin air. The rain of bullets stopped.

Past Gwen: What the?

Ayano and the four past versions of (Y/N) and the girls turned around to face past Gwen.

Past (Y/N): Gwen!?!

Past Gwen stared at past (Y/N) for a short moment. She took off her mask.

Past Gwen: (Y/N)!?!

Past (Y/N) pushed himself off the ground to go hug past Gwen. (Y/N) started to tear up, but he quickly wiped it away.

Past (Y/N): Where the fuck her you.

Past Gwen pushed past (Y/N) off of him. Past Gwen then started to babble on about her story, with pointing out the Avengers tower as proof.

Past (Y/N): Holy shit...

Past Gwen looked at both the present versions of everyone and their past equivalents. 

Past Gwen: Wha- What have you been doing?

Past (Y/N): It's a long story-

Past Ruby: Hey, (Y/N)! Kind of got something to deal with.

Past (Y/N): Oh crap, get over here!

Past Miku, past Monika and past Ruby ran towards their friends. Ayano stood up from the ground.

Past (Y/N): Who are you guys!

Past Miku: And what do you want.

(Y/N)'s power showed him a transcript of what future (Y/N) said to him beforehand. (Y/N) read of it.

(Y/N): You six have powers that no one else in your worlds has.

Past Gwen: Wait, I'm involved in this?

Past (Y/N): Don't you dare involve Gwen in this!

Past Gwen: No, I want to be. This is "The Unbelievable Gwenpool Volume Two"!

Past Monika: So why are we here?

Ruby: To fight to the death!

Everyone: What?

Past (Y/N): No no no, I'm not killing everyone here!

Past Gwen: Same goes here! You're asking me to kill a friend I haven't seen in a year?

Past Ruby: I like all of these guys. Not happening!

(Y/N) watches as Ayano effortlessly breaks out of Gwen's handcuffs.

Multiverse Protection Force Origins ((Y/N)xMonikaxRubyxMikuxGwenxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now