The meaning of hheewwoo 2

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Pixal has logged on
Pixal: Zane!
Zane has logged on
Zane: yes?
Pixal: I may have just figured out what 'hheewwoo' means!!
Zane: this isn't Jay or Kai is it?
Pixal: no.
Zane: Cole?
Pixal: nope
Zane: Lloyd?
Pixal: it's me Zane!
Zane: just checking.
Zane: is what does hheewwoo mean?
Pixal: okay. Say hheewwoo out loud slowly. What does it sound like?
Zane: heewoo?
Pixal: yes. Now.
Pixal: day it really fast lots of times until it makes sense. What does it sounds like?
Zane: Wii U?
Pixal: exactly!
Zane: are you saying that the others are saying Wii U to start every sentence?
Pixal: either that or they are saying hello.
Zane: I can translate many languages.
Zane: That is not one of them.
Pixal: so what do you think they are saying?
Zane: I think that they have made up a language that is entirely in code and that is how they communicate.
Pixal: I don't think Jay would keep it up that long.
Zane: yeah your right.
Zane: wait. The capital letters in Wii U.
Pixal: what about them?
Zane: what do they say?
Pixal: WU?
Pixal: how did we not see that!?
Zane: should we confront the others about this?
Pixal: definitely.
Pixal has logged off
Zane has logged off

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