Evil ninja chat

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SnakeJay has logged on
SnakeJay: hey guysssss!
StaffKai: what do you want now?
SnakeJay: Jusssst to chat.
PossesedLloyd: Jay! Now is not a good time!
SnakeJay: it never is a good time with you guyssss!!
IceEmperor: what is he going on about now?
DelaraNya: eh. The lightning-snake guy wants to talk and the green one who is possessed by a ghost said no.
CorruptedPixal: has anyone seen Cole?
PossessedLloyd: you mean the guy that is also a ghost?
CorruptedPixal: yeah that one.
PossessedLloyd: no clue.
IceEmperor: hey Pixal?
CorruptedPixal: what now?
IceEmperor: have you maybe considered my proposition to be my Empress?
CorruptedPixal: definitely not.
IceEmperor: *sigh*
StaffKai: you can't sigh through a phone.
SnakeJay: I forgot he had amnesssssia
IceEmperor: do not!
PossessedLloyd: suuuurree
DelaraNya: ugh. You boys are pathetic. Come my robotic friend. Let us leave this uneventful 'chat room'
CorruptedPixal: I have a name you know.
DelaraNya has logged off
CorruptedPixal has logged off
SnakeJay: sssso.... you assssked Pixal to be your empressss?
IceEmperor: I don't want to talk about it.
StaffKai: because you got rejected.
IceEmperor: I DID NOT!!
PossessedLloyd: yes you did.
IceEmperor: she will fall for me eventually.
SnakeJay: alright Zane... letssss jusssst-
IceEmperor: MY NAME IS NOT ZANE!!!!!
IceEmperor has logged off
StaffKai: what's up with him?
PossessedLloyd: who cares.
SnakeJay: good point.
StaffKai: wanna gran a drink?
SnakeJay: yeah.. I could go for an apple juice.
PossessedLloyd: fogodsake.
StaffKai has logged off
SnakeJay has logged off
PossessedLloyd has logged off

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