~ Part 49 ~

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Jade stormed into the house excitedly. She never had had the chance to train a hunter before since we're only supposed to train our children, which 'bye bye for me', and she'd always wanted to. Rachel was asleep upstairs still, waiting on me to come back to the house. Meanwhile, Colby and I had been just sitting in the garage having a mini council meeting with Sam, Kat, Corey, and Devyn. "Hey, vamps and ladies, how are you all doing?" Jade asked as she flopped down into her chair in the corner. I gave her a little smile then sat up off of Colby's chest.

"Fine." I replied. Kat was looking at her quizzically, clearly trying to figure out why she was so happy. "Rachel is asleep at the moment." I said, "so DON'T be too loud and wake her up." I warned everyone. "That includes you guys upstairs." I added, looking toward Jake and Tara's room.

"Aye, we're not doing anything." Jake joked. I rolled my eyes and leaned back against Colby. His arm was firmly around my waist because he knew I'd be bouncing around as well if I could.

"Why're you so happy, Jade?" Devyn asked curiously. Jade and I exchanged a smirking glance then she sat up - still excited - to explain.

"It's sort of a hunter privilege to be able to train another hunter. Only the 'kings' and 'queens' can do it unless you're a parent of a hunter, which isn't always how it works." Kat frowned. "You see, sometimes two hunter parents don't give birth to a hunter child. But anyway!" Jade smiled widely again. "It's a huge honour and I'm SO glad I get to do it."

"I guess that mostly explains things." Corey laughed. He looked more bubbly than usual as well. Morale was unusually high and everyone seemed to be smiling a lot.

"How long until she wakes up?" Jade asked. She was still bouncing on her chair. I glanced up at the ceiling toward Rachel's room, listening to the way she was breathing.

"A little while." I said pretty confidently. Jade simply nodded, taming her excitement by leaning back and figuring out how to breathe once more. We could all hear her accelerated heart beat loud and clear.

"What should we do in the mean time?" Jade asked. My eyes flicked to the rest of the group, all of which were doing the same thing. I couldn't help but let my thoughts wonder to Edward. Twice he'd made a move on me and, of course, Colby had been there to throw him off since he was so much stronger than me, despite me being quite powerful myself. Although, I've felt more powerful than ever recently. It happened right after I got staked then somehow didn't die. I genuinely think I could take him now but that's not something I particularly want to test. I have to stop worrying about him. He won't return because he knows he'll be easily overpowered. Just then, I heard Rachel shuffling upstairs followed by her heart beat changing.

"Seems she's awake already."

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now