Lunch In

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YAY! Here's chapter 3! This one is a really romantic one and I loved writing it so let me know what you think!:)

P.S it is also extra long!



Friday, 4th October 2013

Harry's POV

"I love you too!" I yelled, blowing Anna a kiss as they all drove away. Today was going to be awesome, what with the batchelor party and all. I just wish I could get hammered but you know? I'm getting married tomorrow.


I'm getting married.

I'm gonna be a husband. To Anna.


"HEY BUDDY!" I heard a familiar Irish accent. I looked down the street a little further and saw the Niall driving down the street, well not driving obviously because he can't, but driving with Lou, Liam and Zayn.

He was so loud sometimes I swear. At least no one lives down here. It's a massive paddock and there are no other houses. It was all our land. Thank god.

Louis - who was driving - parked in the driveway and the all the boys piled out of the car and cane over to me with all this party crap.

"WOO! Can't wait for the batchelor party tonight!" Lou basically screamed in my ears. My eyes widened and I stood back, staring at the lads in disbelief.

"Whoa! Batchelor party? I don't know anything about a batchelor party!" I said. The boys all looked at each other confused, then they caught on.

"The Maz and Keeley" Niall stated simply, and we all instantly knew. They planned everything and never told anyone. It's what they do.

"It was their idea and we thought they'd tell you. I guess not even for a batchelor party. Oh well! We need to go inside and have a relaxing manly day before tonight and tomorrow" Liam explained. We all nodded and I lead the way inside.

"So...Movies and pizza?" Niall suggested, we agreed and all claimed our seat in the lounge room while Liam ordered the pizza.

I sat in the middle of the three seated couch with Louis on my right and Zayn on my left. Niall layed on the floor, and Liam would probably sit in the bean bag.

"What movie?" I asked. We all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Do you still have that vampire movie? The one that came out last year?" Zayn asked. I shrugged.

"Which one?" Louis asked.

"I don't know. I can't remember." Zayn answered, drifting off into a day dream to remember.

"Twilight?" I asked.

"No..." Zayn replied, still thinking.

"That Abraham Lincoln one?" Liam asked as he sat on the bean bag.

"No...Jeez! How many bloody vampire movies are there?" I laughed.

"That Johnny Depp one?" Louis said and it clicked in Zayn's head. He was basically jumping around the room with joy and sat back down.

"Dark Shadows! HAHA! I remembered" Zayn exclaimed, getting up and rumaging through the movie drawers.

Louis fake coughed to get Zayn's attention and I rolled my eyes.

"With a bit of help from Louis" Zayn sighed. Louis looked proud then slouched back into a comfortable position on the couch again.

We put the movie in and Zayn pressed play while we got comfortable in our positions. A few minutes later the doorbell rang - pizza - and we all looked at each other.

"I'm not doing it! I'm getting married tomorrow I'm not getting it!" I said, convincing them that I am absolutely not getting up from my comfortable place.

"How about a game of not it?" Lou suggested. We all nodded and as soon as we did, the game started.

"Not it!" I said first.

"Not it!" Zayn and Lou said in unison.

"Not it!" Niall said. Liam sighed, realising how slow he was, but got up and went to the door anyway. We heard him talking to someone then he came back with 5 pizza boxes. We all dug in as we watched our movie and by the time it finished, it was lunch time.

"Hey guys do you mind if me and Anna have lunch together?" I asked them all.

They all shook their heads and within a few minutes, Liam managed to get everyone outside and into the car. I said goodbye then called Anna as I waved to them down the street.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice answered through the phone. I smiled to myself but quickly snapped out of my day dream. I mean I have plenty of time for that tomorrow and on our honeymoon.

"Hey it's the pizza man!" I called down the phone.

"Sorry wrong number I didn't order a pizza" Anna said. I smirked and answered, "Well it's on the house! You just need to come home and enjoy it with your lovely fiancé".

"I shall be there in 10"

"Can't wait"

"Byyyye babe! Love you" She said.

"Love you too" I answered then she hung up.

I quickly went inside and heated the last pizza box up and then put it on a picnic blanket in our backyard. I turned on the different coloured fairy lights in the trees, then grabbed two glasses, filling them with red wine and then setting them down on the blanket next to the pizza. And right on que, I heard the front door shut, and my beautiful girls' voice rang in my ears.

"Harold I'm heerrree!" She called. I smiled at her cuteness before replying, "I'm out the back!".

A few moments later her gorgeous figure appeared at the back door and she leaned against the door frame, smiling.

"You never fail to surprise me Harry. Thank you" she said, coming and sitting down on the blanket next to me. She kissed me softly - but passionately - and then I was off on my own planet day dreaming. That's what her kisses did to me.

"It's always worth it to see your happy face when I show you" I said, hugging her and kissin her cheek. She smiled again and we started eating.

"Well...It's your last day as my boyfriend Haz" She suddenly mumbled, letting her head rest against my shoulder.

"Yup. And it's your last day as my girlfriend..." I sighed, resting my head on top of hers.

"I wish we could stay in this moment forever...Don't you?" She asked, looking up at me with her sweet, mesmerizing chocolate eyes.

"I wish I could stay in every moment with you forever. I wish we could live forever" I answered honestly. It was true. I loved every minute with Anna. She was just so perfect, inside and out. We jad so much in common and she was just so fun to be around. She could cheer you up immediately, just by being around you. She had this thing about her thay could change the atmosphere around you. It was brilliant.

"I love you Harry. So much" She whispered, conecting our lips once again, for a long sweet kiss.

"I love you too. I mumbled against her lips. Most perfect day of my life. Until tomorrow...

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