A Nightmare

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I will lay down next to you stay in bed

all afternoon we were

birds of a feather we were always

together And I never will forget

All the little things you said

and that beautiful summer you used to call me your love bird

but the time went on, the wind has blown, and I have grown

and I've started a feeling

That my wings have been broken

Monday, 14th October 2013

Anna's POV

I jolted awake, sweaty and panting. God that was a horrible nightmare.

Wait, this isn't my room.

Is this a hospital room?!


I got up seriously fast and saw I was in a hospital gown.

Ugly things they are.

I had no cords or wires attatched to me so I bolted out the door.

My body was sore.

My head was pounding.

None of that mattered though. The only thing that mattered was my Harry.

So that wasn't a dream? It IS all real. My poor baby. I ran to the front desk of my floor and basically shouted at the nurse, "WHERE IS HE?!". He looked back, confused, so I asked in the nicest way, "Where is my fricking husband Harry Styles?!"

The nurse blinked and saw the panick in my eyes, so he quickly typed something on his computer and stood up.

"This way. Hurry. He's going into surgury soon" The nurse explained.

"SURGURY?!" I yelled, following him as best as I could, considering I was in pain and he was rushing for me. So nice.

"Yes. No time to explain. Just go and see him. You have 10 minutes" The nurse replied, standing in front of a door.

"Thank you" I whispered, cautiously making my way into the little room. I was taken back. I screamed as the tears stream down my face. The nurse wrapped an arm over my shoulder and hugged me while I cried into his shoulder.

Harry had a cast on his left leg and his right arm, the one that tried protecting me. He had cuts and bruises all over his body, mainly his face, and he was asleep. I couldn't see his emerald eyes. I'm a little glad though because all I'd see would be pain. I didn't want that. Here I was, standing in a hospital gown with nothing but bruises, while the love of my life was in a critical condition. I broke away from the nurses' hug and slowly made my way over to Harry. I sat in the chair beside him and grabbed his non-broken arm, holding onto his soft hand. I kissed it and my salty tears fell all over it. I put it back at his side and kissed his cheek, then a bunch of nurses and doctors came in the room.

"I thought we told you no visitors?!" One of the doctors yelled at the nurse that helped me in here. He flinched then stood upright and shrugged.

"That, is his wife and I thought she should see him before he goes to surgery!" The nurse backfired, coming to help me out of the room. He held my hand and squeezed it, struggling to pull me out of the room as I cried and screamed for Harry. The last I saw was the nurses putting Harry on a stretcher.

The nurse took me out to the waiting room and sat down with me on the chairs, while I bawled into his shoulders.

"Shh. It's ok. It's gonna be ok. Harry will be fine" The nurse mumbled.

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