Luxie and Lou

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Here is chapter 2! Haha let me know what you think!



Friday, 4th October 2013


Anna's POV

"Hello lovelies! How are you?" Lou asked as we entered her house. Her house was so warm and welcoming all the time. She had the fire going and was all cosy in trackies and a hoodie.

"Hey Lou! We're awesome! Now where's my precious baby?!" I asked, looking around the room for baby Lux, wellshe wasn't exactly a baby anymore. She's grown alot in the past year.

"She's been hiding in her room all day! She won't come out! She's wearing the flower girl dress and loves it so much!" Lou explained, leading us to Lux's room.

"Lux! Come here!" Lou called through her bedroom door.

"No!" Lux's small voice returned.

"But your favourite aunties are here!" Lou added and then we heard a noise on the otherside of the door.

We were greeted with a big grin from Lux as she saw us.

She looked so cute in the little dress. Too bad she won't take it off. It might get wrecked by tomorrow.

"Hello Luxie! Did you miss us!" Maz said, giving Lux a cuddle.

"Yes! I miss you lots!" She said. Se was 4 next month and she was so cute.

"We missed you too!" We all said in unison.

"I'm gonna be a pwetty girl for you tomowow" She giggled.

"AAWWW!" We all said.

"Well you won't be going unless you take that dress off!" Lou told her.

"She's right! It might get dirty then you won't be able to go and I'll miss you lots!" I exclaimed, kissing her head.

"Alright!" She said and ran back into her room.

"MUMMY can you help!" She squealed. We laughed and Lou quickly helped Lux out of her dress.

"There! All better!" Lou said as she brought Lux out, who was wearing an adorable pair of jeans and a mini jumper.

"You look SO adorable!" We all exclaimed, picking Lux up and cuddling her. Lux giggled and we all laughed, taking her into the warm lounge room.

"Would you like a hot chocolate or something?" Lou asked, heading for the kitchen.

"No thanks!" Keeley yelled.

"Yes please" Maz said.

"One for me too please!" I added.

"Your gonna be so cute tomorrow with your hair done and everything!" Keeley squealed to Lux. Lux nodded in agreement and giggled. Lou came and put 2 cups of hot chocolate on the coffee table while we all sat down on the floor near the fire.

"Thankyou!" Maz and I said in unison.

"Are you sure you don't want one Keeley? It's awfully strange that you don't want one" Lou said curiously.

"No thanks. I don't need anymore milky drinks thanks" Keeley stated simply.

"Alright then if you say so. Would you girls like to see how I'm gonna do Anna's hair tomorrow?" Lou said.

We all jumped with excitement and Lou took that as a yes.

"I'll be right back with it" Lou said. She got up and put her hot chocolate on the coffee table again before she left the room and went upstairs to her room.

"Here we go!" Lou chirped as she bounded downstairs to us again.

"Isn't it lovely? I found it on a wedding website and I think it would suit Anna wonderfully" She added. Sitting down and holding out a photo that made all our mouths drop.

"You can do that? That will look stunning on Anna!" Keeley squealed, basically ripping the photo out of Lou's hand.

"I take it you like it then?" Lou raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh. I LOVE it!" Keeley exclaimed, bouncing around on her spot of the floor.

"Alright spastic, what time are we meeting you tomorrow?" I asked, turning my attention back to Lou.

"About 8 I think is it?" Lou asked Maz and Keeley. They both nodded and Maz added, "At the church".

"Right then. Don't you girls have to get Anna ready?" Lou asked, bringing us back to the real world.

"OMG YOUR RIGHT! You need lunch though first! Then we'll go to the shops for your outfit for tonight. Then we'll go to the spa for the rest of the afternoon. Then at 10 we're going to your batchelorette party!" Keeley squealed. I nodded and we said our goodbyes to Luxie and Lou then we got back into the car.

"You could be the greatest. You could be the best. You could be the king kong banging pn ya chest" Hall of Fame blared through my phone as I quickly rumaged through my bag for it. When I found it I pressed the green button and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey it's the pizza man!" Harry's voice rang through my ears.

"Sorry wrong number I didn't order a pizza" I said.

"Well it's on the house! You just need to come home and enjoy it with your lovely fiancé" He said, and I could just hear the smirking on Harry's face.

"I shall be there in 10"

"Can't wait"

"Byyyye babe! Love you" I said.

"Love you too". I hung up and told the girls. They agreed but they said I had an hour. Then they're picking me up to go to the shops. Such nice friends I have.

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