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Hellooooo! So I decided that since I love writing this story so much, that I'd write a second book! YAY! (cue the screaming:) so here is the first chapter! let me know what you think!:D



Friday, 4th October 2013

Anna's POV

"Wake up my beautiful sunshine! You have to get ready for the big day!" Keeley chirped, pulling my curtains open.

"But it's not until tomorrow!" I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. It's been exactly one year since the 'John' thing. Harry proposed to me 3 months after and tomorrow was my wedding. Keeley an Maz wouldn't stop squealing and jumping about these last few months and I swear they think it's their wedding.

"But you have to get a make-over!" Maz stated, ripping the covers off me and throwing them in the corner of the room.

"Which means a manicure" Keeley said.

"Pedicure" Maz continued. Both of them listing everything I needed.

"We need to go and see Lou and see the design she had for your hair"


"A facial"

"There's so much to get done!" Maz squealed, both her and Keeley pulling my arms to get me up.

"Argh! Fine! But I need a coffee first!" I grumbled, putting my pink fluffy slippers on. That's when Mr 'Right-in-the-knick-of-time' entered the room with my coffee.

"Already ahead of you babe" Harry said and kissed my head.

"Thanks hun" I said and had a big mouthful of coffee. That woke me up because within the next 20 minutes I was dressed and ready for the day.

"Be safe babe and have fun!" Harry said, kissing me on the lips.

"I will! I love you!" I said, waving to Harry as Keeley slowly backed out the drive way.

"I love you too!" Harry replied, blowing me a kiss. I caught it and put i in my shirt for safe keeping, before giving Harry one last wave and then we were off on a girls trip.

"Did we mention your going to need an AMAZING outfit for your batchelorette party tonight?" Keeley and Maz asked in unison, cheeky smiles forming on their faces.

"No! No one even mentioned I was having one! You cheeky devils!" I laughed, playfully slapping their arms.

"Well now you know and I can't wait! Your going to love it! It will be the best batchelorette party ever!" Keeley exclaimed, turning the radio up as our old favourite, 'Club Can't Handle Me' came on.

"You know I know how! To make em stop and stare as I zone out! The club can't even handle me right now. Watching you watching me I go all out!" We all sang. Probably looking like a bunch of loons to the people driving past us.

"What's the first stop girlies?" I asked, looking at the parks full of children go by. I want to have a baby one day. A daughter. It would be nice to have my own child to look after and to play with. It'd be incredible and it would make my life complete.

"The nail studio!" Keeley and Maz shouted together. We all laughed then Keeley found a parking spot at the studio and we all piled out and into the store.

"Hey Cindy!" We all squealed in our girly voices to the woman behind the counter. Her name was Cindy Alice and she was our nail stylist. She was like our bff but we only ever saw her when we got out nails done. Her mum owned the studio so we could get really cheap prices whenever we wanted.

"Hey girlies! Anna come here! You need to be perfect for tomorrow!" Cindy squealed and pushed me into a seat. She began fixing and polishing my nails, which took about an hour each hand so by the time they were cleaned it was 10 o'clock.

"Now which colours would best suit the dress girls?" Cindy asked, pulling out a box full of nail polish and showing Keeley and Maslin.

They both looked at each other and yelled, "Black!".

"With white flowers?" I asked hopefully. They both nodded eagerly and Cindy set to work on making my nails perfect.

"And viola! Perfect!" Cindy exclaimed, making a big fuss over my nails.

We all crowded around them and our jaws dropped.



"God" We all said.

"You like?" Cindy asked.

"We love!" I squealed, jumpin up and hugging Cindy, trying not to touch my nails.

"These will go perfectly with my dress!" I added.

"Thanks Cindy! Here take this!" Maz said, giving Cindy 50p.

"Oh I can't take this it's too much!" Cindy exclaimed, giving back 30.

"No you deserve it! You dis an amazing job!" Keeley said, as Maz pushed the money back into Cindy's hands.

"Thanks guys! You really are the best" She said, pulling us all in for a hug.

"Now hurry! You only have half a day left to finish the rest of your list!" Cindy said, pushing us out the door towards our car.

"Your right! Thanks again Cindy! See you at the batchelorette party tonight!" Maz said, getting in the drivers seat this time and waving.

I sat in the passenger seat and Keeley sat in the middle seat in the back.

We all waved and said pur goodbye's then made our way to the next stop.

Lou's place!

Lovebirds (Harry Styles)-Completed *Sequel To 'Moments'*Where stories live. Discover now