C H A R A C T E R ° F I L E S

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I wanted to take a quick break just to reevaluate the character files, from Lilah's point of view.

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Lilah is an ancient vampire who never got the chance to be a kid, and may be the most messed up of all of the troubled kids at the Salvatore School. From the start, she was living a life someone else chose for her: living with Dahlia because of a choice her grandmother Esther made, living the life of a vampire because of a choice Dahlia made for her.

The only choice she made for herself was to keep her family just beyond reach once she got free, and she grew into the habit of being a side character in her own life. With the aftermath of her father, her uncle, and her cousin's mom's deaths, she has started lashing out in anger, slacking on her studies. She has a history of being a ripper, but has been under control for a few hundred years. Unfortunately, from the world she was thrown into, Lilah believes it is her job to make everyone else happy before herself.


FAMILY TRAITS — Lilah learned that certain personality traits and behaviors came directly from her bloodline, ill-tempered, stubborn, and unconditionally loyal.

SAVIOR COMPLEX — She believes it is up to her to protect everyone else, even at the expense of her own happiness.

ABANDONMENT ISSUES — With the life she lived, she is scared every new person she meets will leave her one way or another: physically or by death.

DADDY ISSUES — While she refuses to acknowledge it, her everlasting love for her father has caused her to push away a lot of her relationships, including at one point, Hope, and currently, Roman Sienna.


Lilah needs to realize that her savior complex needs to be directed inward, and understand that she can't save everyone, but she can save herself.

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