"How long is she gonna stay asleep?" Rafael asked, sitting with Josie in the library.
The brunette twin shrugged.
"Her mom said she'd be like that until she can get back without wanting to go ripper-mode," she replied.
"What's that?" Rafael asked.
"It's when a vampire can't control their hunger, and they basically kill anyone they feed off of, and they feed constantly," Josie said.
She looked around, and continued. "This memorial library is for Stefan Salvatore. He was my mom's husband. But a long time ago, he had been a ripper. The Ripper of Monterey. We learn about it in history, so I'm sure you'll hear about him soon. But... it's scary, to think about. Because I knew Stefan when he wasn't a ripper, so the stories are a little chilling. And to think that can happen to any vampire... even the ones I know and love... it's even chilling-er. If that's a word."
"Lilah wouldn't do that, she loves people too much," Rafael said, trying to see the bright side.
"She's a vampire, and she also has the choice of turning off her humanity. Life when Lizzie and I were really young was really... intense. Our Aunt Elena is the sweetest person in the world, and when she was a vampire, she turned off her humanity... it was a little badass from the stories... but every time any of the people my mom was friends with turned their humanity off... it was scary."
"Turned off humanity? Was a vampire? There's a cure for that?"
"Oh Raf," Josie laughed. "You have a lot to learn."
"Sounds like it," he said. "But Lilah will be okay. I'm sure of that. Your mom and her friends came out okay, in the end."
"Yeah, most of them," Josie said. "Remember that this is a memorial... so Stefan didn't actually make it out okay in the end, and neither did their friend Tyler Lockwood. He was the mayor's son, and a werewolf."
"What happened to him?"
"Stefanie's dad..." Josie mumbled, and she stood up fast. "I gotta get to class. Just let that information sink in. Bye Raf!"
"Wait... Josie!" he yelled after her, having even more questions to ask about the supernatural history, but the brunette was already chuckling and walking away from him.
He sat there, wrapping his head around it all. All he knew was that Lilah Mikaelson would be okay in the end.
Fiksi PenggemarTwo years have gone by, and to say that a lot has changed is an understatement. Lilah Desmarias, the mysterious best friend of Hope Marshall, had some secrets revealed about her past and her family. Hope Marshall became known through her real name...