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That night, Lilah went to the turret. She smiled when she saw Roman there, too, looking outside. The moonlight hitting his face brought back so many memories.

"Hey," she whispered, leaning against the side of the turret he wasn't leaning against.

"After the day you've had, shouldn't you be sleeping?" he asked.

"It was more of a stressful day for Hope than it was for me," she chuckled, brushing her hair out of her face.

"But it still brought up feelings for you that hurts," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I think you should get some rest."

"When I wake up in the morning, will you be here?"

"I'll be here."

When Lilah woke up, Hope was contemplating what to put on her next painting. The older Mikaelson girl pulled herself out of bed and into her school uniform, leaving their dorm to look for Roman. He was sitting outside their dorm at one of the chairs placed near the window. He was talking to one of the other students, who got up when he saw Lilah.

Roman looked at her with a smile, two pastries and cups of coffee on the table in between the two chairs. He picked one of each up, holding them out to her as she got closer.

"Wow, feels like the old days," she chuckled.

He laughed, looking down at his own cup of coffee.

She and Roman spent the morning talking until Jed came to find her.

"What do you want?" she asked, looking at the werewolf that caused enough trouble with her friend group.

"I thought you might want to know something's definitely up with your wolf," he said, glancing at Roman for a second at the end of his sentence.

Roman looked away.

"He's been zombie-like, and the wolves are worried," Jed said. "And I'm no longer alpha, but he won't listen to me. So, maybe he'll listen to you."

"I know you're worried about your alpha and everything, but Emma's been watching over Rafael. I'm sure everything's fine," Lilah said, fighting the urge to run and find Rafael to make sure he was okay. She only had limited time with Roman before he left again, and she wanted to spend it with him.

Jed sent a unassured nod, but he left anyways. Roman placed a hand on her knee comfortingly.

She gave him a small smile, and picked up her pastry, taking a large, almost angry, bite out of it.

"So, I got one more day where I get to be here," he said. "Let's get your mind off of everything else and go do something together."

She chuckled as he shoved the rest of his pastry in his mouth after gulping down his coffee. She picked up her own things, taking them to-go unlike him.

"Such a dork."

But she missed that dork more than she thought she would've when he left.

They spent the day in Mystic Falls, just walking around and talking. He told her all about the recruiting recon, how everything was going. She updated him on her life, not that there was much he didn't already know from when she told him over text or FaceTime.

They got back to campus in the afternoon after having gotten milkshakes at the Mystic Grill.

They walked in to see Rafael bump into a vampire on accident while walking.

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