~Norway 🇳🇴 x Dragon! reader~

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Norway = Lukas Bondevik
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Iceland = Emil Steilsson
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen
Hong Kong = Wang Jia Long (or Leon)

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was leaning against a tree on the ground in my human form. My illness didn't help me as it was even colder as a human. The bear trap I got stuck in clearly didn't make this situation any better. It wouldn't take long until the dragon hunters will find me. I'm to weak to turn back in your dragon form, so I was stuck.

The wounds on my torso didn't help me either as they just kept bleeding. I pressured the spot so it would slow down, but it didn't help anything.

I just lay there helpless as my vision slowly started to fade black. "Was this the end? ... Would they kill me? ... After all those years this is who it would end a dragon like me stuck in a bear trap bleeding to dead or found by the hunters."

I slowly closed my eyes as everything started to spin. But before I was gone I heard the snow churn and saw two people in front of me as everything went black.

~Norway's (Lukas') POV~

I was walking through the forrest whit that stupid Dane. Why you asked ? Because I sensed a kind of magic I didn't feel in a long time. But it wasn't as strong as it used to be ... something was wrong whit it. So I went to find the creature that held this magic. The Dane just went along because he wanted to.

Then suddenly we heard gunshots and I felt the magic getting weaker then it already was. Denmark looked at me, "Norge people aren't allowed to hunt in this forrest ... right?".

"No they aren't.", I answered him as I felt the magic get weaker and weaker by each second. I think it must have something to do whit those gunshots.

So I started to go and followed my senses to find the creature. I even ran because I still felt it was getting weaker but in a faster pace . "Norge, why are you running, is something wrong?!", Denmark asked me as he ran behind me. Normally I would ignore him but this time I didn't have time to explain myself.

We soon saw a trace of blood that leaded to the trees. First we saw a big footprints but as soon we followed the trace of those footprints turned into the of a human. Denmark and I followed the trace as I sensed that the magic was close.

"Norge, I think I found a girl ... ? But I think she is unconscious.", Denmark said. I ran to him and felt the magic. This must be the creature. She was a dragon but was now in her human from. You could see it because she still got her (scale/colour) tail and ears.

She didn't look good at all, she was stuck in a bear trap and was losing much blood from her torso. When I laid my hand on her head she was burning up. She was also sick.

I broke the bear trap whit my magic and looked at Denmark he looked back at me. "Den, do you think you can carry her back home?", I asked him in a worried voice. His face changed because he knew if I said things whiteout my monotone voice it was serious.

He nodded and picked her up. I took my jacket of and laid it on her because I didn't want her to get cold as she already had such a high fever. Denmark and I started to run back to the house so we could help her as fast as possible.

~time skip of when they arrive at the house~

As we reached the house I opened the door as Denmark followed right behind me whit the dragon girl in his arms.

As I entered the living room I was met whit the rest of the family. "Hey Norway are you okay?", Finland asked me worried as Iceland and Sweden looked at me.

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