~(dark) BTT pirates ⚔️ x pirate reader x Romano 🇮🇹 ~

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You're a captain of the most notorious ship of the seven seas and that had its reasons. First off you were friends with the Krikland family but nobody knew as you supported each other with supplies and protection. And if you were in battle on of your man would dress up as the captain to protect you.

Another reason was because of your crew. They were criminals, prisoners or even discarded soldiers who you gave a second chance. They were prepared to listen to you and protect their captain. You lived on the idea of trusting those who nobody trusted and got a great crew with that motto. You also mostly did it as you had a harsh childhood and saw most of their situation worse then your own. They also knew not to question you about it because you wouldn't answer and became a mixture of anger, sadness and regret.

And the last reason was that you were a girl. Actually your crew was well aware of that fact but became overprotective in some situations as you already had a massive scar on your left eye from your childhood and couldn't see there anymore so you wore an eye patch. You crew worked together as a family of left outs and it worked even if you were a girl.

They only failed once to protect you in battle as an alliance who called themselves the "Bad Touch Trio" could knock you down in battle and took you captive as they knew you were the captain of the Chingada.

It's not that you were weak, anything except that. If you found a new crew member they would mostly laugh at you so you challenged them for a battle and you kicked their asses. But this time was different as they managed to over master you and knocked you out, while distracting your crew.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

When I woke up I felt dizzy and a stinging pain in my head and chest. My vision was blurry but that didn't last long. When I tried to move I felt that there was rope around my waist, arms and legs. And the rope around my waist hurts as I see there is a bandage around me with some blood stains. And I was also thight up on a chair.

As I look around the room I see my boots,weapons and ... my clothes ?! In one corner of the room. But when I look down at my self I still see that I have my tank top and shorts on who were now bloodstained. Looking around this room got my wiser as I could see that this was definitely a Spanish ship.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I was definitely not in any condition to escape and the pain was to much. Trying to rest I hear three voices and the sound of boots getting near. A few moments later they stopped and the door opened.

"Ah ma copine you're awake." ooh no not these guys. Not those idiots. What do they want. Welp that was Fransis so that means the other two are Gilbert and Antonio.

"I'm not your 'copine' Francis." I say as they all three walk closer. Antonio walks closer and touch my wounds so I hiss in pain. "Lo siento chica, it wasn't our purpose to shoot you." he says and looks me in the eyes. I growled at that statement.

"Hey Frau, you know how long it took us to know you vere zhe captain of zhe Chingada." Gilbert say as I look up. "Well I was already thinking why it took you three 'so' long." I say sarcastic as they smiled. "Honhonhonhon~ your zense of 'umor ztayed mademoiselle." Francis says as he tils my head up so I met his eyes.

"Vhy do you vare zat eye patch it ruins my view of your beautiful (e/c) eyes." Francis says as he leaned closer. I tried to lean my head back so he wasn't that close but my headache was to much so I hissed in pain and spit in his face. "You little ... ." Francis says as he raises his hand up to slap me but Gilbert held him back.

"Francis you can't slap zhe Frau, ve need her in our plan und zhe's already vounded zhanks to you. ... But I also vanna know vhy you vare zhat Frau." Gilbert says as he lest Francis go and Antonio turned to me. "Sì I also want to know." he says.

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