~England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 x reader~

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England = Arthur Krikland
Scotland = Allistor Kirkland
Wales = Dylan Krikland
Northern Ireland = Seamas Krikland
Ireland = Cairán Krikland
America (USA) = Alfred F.Jones
Canada = Matthew Williams
France = Francis Bonnefoy
Denmark = Mathias Køhler

This story is in fairy AU

~Arthur's (England's) POV~

I'm currently in the kingdom of the North America fairies, where Alfred F. Jones is the king of this kingdom. Together with his twin brother Matthew and their younger sister (Y/N) he rules the North America fairies.

I'm Arthur Kirkland king of the English fairies and leader of the British union. I'm the youngest ruler of the British union which my brothers are a part of.

The princess of the North America fairies is one of mine best friends. Unlike her older brother Alfred she's calm and doesn't make fun of my eyebrows. Her other brother Matthew likes to be alone sometimes but doesn't mind it as his sister and brother are around.

Their mother died during giving birth to (Y/N), their father became very sick 10 years after and died as well. Alfred and Matthew were 13 years old at that moment and decided that they would do anything to protect their younger sister from any harm. So they could be a bit overprotective but they meant well.

That were the thoughts running through my head when I was suddenly brought back to reality. "My king, we have arrived at the palace of the North America fairies.", one of my man said. "Thank you, now make sure you rest and recover from this long journey.", I told my man. "Yes sire.", they saluted and flew of to the military base.

I flew to the palace when I heard the familiar voice. "Dude long time no see, how are you doing?", Alfred asked me. "I'm fine, how about you and your siblings?", I asked. "I'm okay, Matthew is currently in the harbour waiting for Francis to arrive and (Y/N) is taking her fencing lessons somewhere in the palace.".

"That's fine to hear you are all doing well. ... Wait you said that Matthew is waiting for Francis to arrive, that doesn't mean that frog is coming ... right ?!", I asked, well more yelled. "Yeah dude of course Francis is coming, you are also here to visit us and for a meeting so he asked if he could come as well.", he answered.

"I don't like that forg around the princess.", I stated a bit jealous because he would always pull her away from me if I'm whit her. "Neither do I, but he's king of the French fairies and just like you he's one of our allies." Alfred said with a worried face.

The truth that we know each other from when we were kids. (Y/N) was of course the youngest but would always come along. When we grew older I got feelings for her, but didn't show it that much. Much to my dismay Francis knew this and would always put me in an embarrassing position in front of her. Unfortunately he loved her too.

"But I know you won't let him do anything to her although I'll also keep an eye on her.", I said while crossing my arms. "Thanks dude, now lets go inside so you can settle in your room. In an hour (Y/N) is done with her fencing lessons so we can go see her then." he said as he flew off. I did the same and flew behind him.

~an hour later~

I heard somebody knock on the door. "Arthur are you coming to see (Y/N), she's done in a few minutes?", Alfred said. I opened the door and I flew after him trough the palace in to the garden.

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