~Germany 🇩🇪 x criminal reader~

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~(Y/N)'s POV~


So you're probably wondering why somebody is screaming my last name ? Well it's complicated.

To begin that somebody who's screaming is inspector Beilschmidt or Ludwig. He always had to go after me as I did something. Sure he caught me sometimes but I always managed to escape somehow. ... Let me say I've my ways. But that's not what's going on now.

Maybe it's better if I explain it.

~1 week ago~

My hands were handcuffed and let me say I didn't like why. I didn't do anything 'yet' that had to do with criminality for the past two months as I was in jail.

I was already waiting an hour in this room as my handcuffs where attached to the table with a chain and my feet were also chained to the ground. I beyond pissed especially at a certain blond. I growled and looked towards a camera. "I know your watching Beilschmidt." I say with a smirk. "Real hospitality from you. Letting your man take me here on my day off ! I didn't do anything for the past two months and you know that!" I say getting angry at every minute I need to spend here.

~Ludwig's (germany's) POV~

I just walked in the observation room as one of my man who already here walked to me. "Sir she's beyond pissed and ready to throw a tantrum." Henry said as I sighed. "Vhere's zhe microphone ?" I say as he gave it to me.

"(Y/N) calm down." I say as she looked straight at the camera. "NO! Come and show your face Beilschmidt! Or chain me more and keep on talking as you're doing now coward!" she screamed. I turned the microphone back off and looked my man. "Vhere's zhe dossier?" I say as I emidiatly got it. "What are you going to do Ludwig?" I heard Henry ask. "Vell ve all know it's zhe best zhat zhe doesn't become more furious zhan zhe already is. So I'm going to talk to her personally." I say as he nodded.

I opened the door and walked to the room where (Y/N) was held. I opened the door and emidiatly got her attention. "Bastard!" she screamed at me. I sighed knowing this was going to be hard like always. I sat down opposite of her as she gave me a glare. "Now before you're going to become angry again. Are you going to listen ?" I say as she started at me. "Dependents on it." she says a bit calmer.

I opened the dossier and laid some pictures in front of her but laid one so she couldn't see it. She looked at me with a questionable face that still held anger. "Look (Y/N) I know you're mad ..." I said as I got cut off. "Mad isn't the right word, I would prefer 'furious'." she says and slams her cuffed hands at the table.

I waited for a minute until she was calm again and continued. "As I vas saying, zhis time you didn't do a zhing. Ve know you stopped vith your criminality as you vere in prison." I said as she looked at her wrists and than back to me. "So you're saying that your 'colleges' took me here, 'handcuffed me' and let 'me' wait on 'my' day off as you just wanted to say 'that'. ... Congratulations you guys are becoming dumber and dumber everytime I come back here!" she says and leaned back in her chair.

I sighed and laid the picture I had on the table so she could see it. She was still leaning back as I sighed. "(Y/N) ve need your help vith something." I say as she still stared at the ceiling. I was about to get her attention as she looked back at me "I'm listening Beilschmidt no need to lose your patience." she says and looks cocky at me. I pushed the picture towards her so she could see it. "Do you recognise him ?" I say as she looked mad at the man in the picture. "Luciano ... the bastard!" she sneered. "I'm gonna take zhat as a ja." I say as she looked closer at the picture.

"What did that son of a b*tch do ?" she says as she already knew why we needed her. "He killed a few of our best man and stole some vulnerable items as you vere in prison." I say as she looked back at me with a serious face. "He needs to pay." she said darkly as I raised an eyebrow. "Vhy vould you say zhat ?" I say as she looked down. "He left me for dead at our last mission. I was shot in my stomach because of that I couldn't flight properly so he ran away without looking back. He left his henchman behind to die." she says in a sad tone which is mixed with anger.

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