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19th October 1989
*Eddie's point of view*

Dear Diary,

I haven't written here for a long time because we've been busy killing a psycho clown. So I have a pretty strong excuse. Anyways, my mommy drove me to school today where Stanley was waiting for me. He told me that he saw this cool bird on the way to school so for his sake I pretended that I was interested.

First period - we all had arrived and was ready for English. Well almost everyone. Richie hadn't turned up. Bill says he's probably skipping or something, but I don't really think that was the case.

To my luck, Richie kicks the door open, walking in with his stupid Hawaiian shirt. I look at my watch and see he was exactly 45 minutes and 26 seconds late. Tut tut tut.

He throws his tatty bag over his chair and slouches in it, not listening to the teacher having a go at him. He smells disgusting, a mixture of b.o and grilled cheese. It blows my mind that he doesn't give one about hygiene!

Skipping ahead through the day, it's pretty normal. Rich says his daily mom jokes, bill stuttering so much that we are all losing our sanity, oh, and then there's Henry bowers.

He kept grabbing Beverly so ben pushed him over unexpectedly. He was really pissed. We did a runner and we were chased through town but he was stopped by this cop guy so we ended up getting home okay. So, that's all that happened today. No biggie.

"Grilled Cheese, please." Beverly looked up from the menu to give the waitress her order.

The waitress was quite young, blonde and fairly pretty. She wore a pink and white gown with a pin name badge which said 'Claire'. Her face was all made up; rosy cheeks and shiny red lipstick.

"I'll have the b-b-bacon wrap please miss." Stuttered Bill as always, looking at Bev while he said his order.

"Sure, hey what can I get you buddy?" Asked Claire, point her pencil to Eddie. He had been studying the menu for a very long time - claiming that it was vital he made the right choice.

Looking deeply into the pages, he replied with utter silence and kept going on with his decision making. "Oh god, come on Eddie!" Snapped Beverly, fiddling with her drinks straw, "We'll be 70 when you've finally decided what you want."

"I have to make a logical decision!" Announces Eddie, popping his head up from the top of the menu. Everyone sighed, muttering to each other. Before you could say 'Pennywise', Richie had snatched the menu right out of his hands. "The Chocolate ice cream boat please." Said Richie, with enthusiasm in his voice.

Eddie crosses his arms and sits in a strop, like he was a toddler. The waitress raises an eyebrow at Richie, and after a few seconds he finally catches on. "To share." Proudly exclaims Richie, lightly pushing Eddie which makes him topple over.

15 minutes later, the group were in full sway of their little 'lunch out'. Eddie had refused to have any of it as it was too sickly and unhealthy for his liking. He sat with his hands on his glass of water, slowly sipping the drink through his paper straw.

"Look its a piece of Oreo." Richie had fished it out with his spoon, which he directed near Eddie's mouth. "Haaaave itttt."

Turning around, Eddie flinched back from the spoon being so close to his face. Disgusted, he looks at Richie then back to the spoon. "No. That's vile."

Messing with his glasses, Richie then pulls the puppy dog face. Then, his eyes suddenly glisten as he starts to make a train noise: chu-chu. He then pushes the spoon towards Eddie's mouth, the chu-chu sound getting louder.

"Chu chu, here comes the diabetes express!" Laughing as he said so, without hesitation he pushes the food into his mouth successfully. "AUUGH!" Spluttered Eddie, "THATS NOT FUNNY!"

"Richie, for once in your life can you just be normal?" Stan asked, directing his hand sharply in Richie's direction.
"Normal? Because Stanley your sooooo normal, aren't you?" Mocked Richie, smirking and licking the ice cream of his spoon.

Fists tight, Stanley glared at Rich from the other side of the table, trying to control himself. "I'll kill you with my bare hands-" Stan said aggressively.

"Hey hey!" Bill jumped in and put his arm in front of Stanley, stopping anymore movement to occur. "Let's just g-get the check okay?"

As they pay up, the losers walk out the cafe. They say their goodbyes and talk about where they'll meet for school tomorrow, and slowly the group split off to make their journeys home.

"Bye Eds." Richie hopped on his bike and gave him a wink, which resulted in Eddie rolling his eyes. "Don't call me Ed's!" Yelled Eddie, as Richie laughed and rode off into the distance.

"Ugh...." Eddie sighed and walked down the pavement, making his way home. He knew that his mom would be asleep in her chair as she always fell asleep when the 10 o'clock news was on. When he got to his house, he quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open, trying his best to not make a noise. Closing it behind him, he made his way upstairs and got ready for bed, taking his medication as he sat covered by his fluffy blanket.

20 minutes later, the boy was fast asleep.

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