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"Eddie, you gotta be joking." Stanley breathes out, lying the side of his head in his right hand. The boys had been looking after Richie all day, keeping him cool while the early summer breeze hovered around them.

"Don't judge a book by his cover." Eddie smiled, biting his fingernails as sunlight poured out the window, shining on his perfect freckles. "Miss Allison is a b-i-t-c-h." Stanley played with the curls that framed his face, looking at a disgusted Eddie. "She is NOT!" Eddie goes over to slap Stanley's arm, making him flinch, "Why don't you just swear? Eddie asked. A smirk arose on Stan's perfect little face, faint dimples appearing on each cheek. "I'm a good child, I guess?" Stan ducks as a pillow flies into his face, making Eddie and Stan crack up in laughter.

After school tomorrow, they were all to go to the quarry as a group, but Bill has been ill lately so the day was just called off. Beverly was going to go to ben's, which was no surprise, then they said they'd pass by mike's house on their journey too. Stanley offered Eddie if he wanted to come over, but Eddie wanted to go with Richie. Richie, however, was going to be stuck in a run down history classroom anyway - now known as the new detention hub. This disappointed Eddie, as he was really looking forward to spending some quality time with richie, but he knew he deserved it. Eddie recalled what happened 4 days ago, the event playing on in his mind.

4 days earlier

"I asked you a question." barked Henry, shoving Richie away at his right shoulder. Richie knew he wasn't going to answer the question. In fact, he couldn't. He didn't care if it was the last thing he'd do, he wasn't backing down. "Are you a fag?" the words seethed through the gritted form of Henry's teeth, it was almost smooth. But the words were like daggers, daggers which cut him deeply.

"I don't know, thought you were the one with experience." his humour was going to be the death of him. Everyone knows it will be, and they know his comedy will bite him in the back one day. The losers and especially Richie's parents thought that his personality would mature around about now, but evidently not.

Watching Henry's pupils dilate was like watching a lion prepare to kill its prey. Ever since Henry got beaten up by his a father, his anger issues sure have gotten worse. This meant rage fuelled inside of Henry, so their had to be something to let off his steam, and that was taking it out on The Loser's Club.

"IM FUCKING DONE WITH YOU!" and as the hallway echoed with Henry's piercing loud voice, his fist arose and his arm went for a swing.

Slow motion.

That was how it was perceived for Richie, like time had slowed down. But after a few seconds, he was soon faced with reality.


The crowd that had gathered around them gasped, a few laughing and others dead silent. Richie's body broke in, as the force to his face created an oozing, red liquid to spill out of his nose. "Doing okay Tozier?" Henry slyly walked over to the boy crouched on the floor, his hands trembling over his face. "Ready for round two?" Henry's foot swung into Richie's chest, the impact making everyone shriek in shock. Sickly coughs were the only thing that answered Henry's questions, but knowing he had hurt Richie was the best answer he could ask for.

"Let's go, i'm done wasting my time with fairy boy" Henry clicked his fingers and like magic, Victor, Belch and Patrick appeared. As they went to walk away, henry looked back to the crowd and said, "Next time don't cross me, Tozier."

Richie slid his shaky hands through his hair, dark strands curling around his fingers. But his hands weren't shaking out of fear, no not anymore. The grip in his fists tightened with a mysterious energy fueling inside of him.

Rage? No.
Anxiety? No.
The feeling of bashing Henry's stupid fucking face in? Yes.

The crowd who were leaving, stopped in their tracks as they looked down at the boy. Richie jumped up, blood all over his face, a spark enlightened in his honey brown eyes. And with that, he ran as fast as his long stringy legs could take him, colliding his pale fists into the side of Bowers' face.

"OHHHH!" The crowd yelled, running over to get a closer view. The rest of Bowers' gang turned around, their eyes widening as they watch him being thrown to the floor - blood streaming out his nose and a blackish purple bruise circling his piercing blue right eye.

A deep shriek exited Henry's mouth, as his body collided with the ground.

But Richie's fire wasn't out yet.
He wanted payback.

Grabbing the collar of his red shirt, he threw his fist into his face again - each punch gaining more force and presenting more pain. The urge to break him into tiny little pieces still laid on the line, and with that, his foot swung like a wrecking ball hitting Henry right in the crotch.

"FUCK!" Henry yelled, his body automatically reacting, making his hands rapidly protect the damaged area.

Sweet, Sweet Revenge.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Miss Allison's voice entered the hallway, her figure appearing as she walked around the corner.

"Shit! Let's get out of here!" one of the boys in the crowd yelled, everyone else nodding and agreeing. The crowd split fast, kids parting through doors being as speedy as possible.

As Richie went for another punch, he felt the back of his Hawaiian shirt being pulled up with such force. "Richie Tozier!" She yelled, grabbing hold of his arms. Richie jolted in her grasp, "Get off me!"

Henry got up slowly but surely, his whole body ready to go psycho. Another teacher bolted out a classroom, grabbing henry before he could lunge at Richie. "HEADMASTERS, NOW!" Mr Owens yelled, pushing henry along as Miss Allison dragged Richie along behind.

Holy shit, it's been a long day.

I may be expelled.

Nah who cares!

As the boys walked in shame through the hallways, people stopped and stared, few people whispering and laughing.

Fuck you, Richie thought.

His head hung low, he couldn't bear to look at their smug little faces. But when Richie took his gaze up, his face grew pale.

He locked eye contact with Kaspbrak. Edward fucking Kaspbrak.

The blood all around his face was nothing compared to the misery swiped upon little Eddie's features.

Richie felt guilt consume all that was inside of him.



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