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"Eddie!" Richie yelled in fear, dropping his bike to the ground. "Eddie? WHERE ARE YOU!?"

He looked around him, only seeing the trees swing left to right. He adjusted his glasses as his eyes watered in worry. "Twitaroo" a sound echoed around him. Richie's head turned rapidly, but then locked eye contact with a white owl. "Yeah, twitaroo to you too." He huffed, climbing on his bike. Rolling his eyes, he rode his bike through the woods, his heart beating fast in anticipation.

As he added pressure to the pedals, he sped up and raced through the trees. The wind blew through his hair, as the autumn breeze blended into his pale little face. Tears fell down his soft cheeks, as the thought of something bad had happened to Eddie struck his mind.

He had do something. He was thinking like a prayer? Wow how dumb that sounds.

To be honest, Richie wasn't very religious. His parents were supposedly religious, but Richie couldn't state the last time they attended church or anything. But desperate times meant desperate measures, so he looked up to the sky and muttered:

"Alright big man. I mean God. Please make sure Eddie is okay. Just make sure he's safe ok? Thanks dude." He smiled at the sky as the tears rolled, "if you do this-"


The engine of a loud car got louder and louder, closer and closer. The boy whipped his head in front of him, unsure what to do at that exact moment. But he had taken too long.

The sound of screeching brakes echoed Richie's ears, as the bike and the car collided in muffled crash. "AGHH!" Richie yelled, being flown to the side and off his bike.


Silence. Darkness. Isolation.

The boy lay motionless on the floor.


A strong arm wrapped itself around a bony neck. Laughing and cheering was launched at the little boy's body. "You scwared girly bwoy?" Mocked Bowers, grabbing helpless Eddie by the neck.

"!" Eddie yelped, attempting to pull away from his grip. "I'm done with you and your fucking insane friends being at this school." Bowers spat in his face, disgust welling in Eddie's expressions. As Henry smirked, he looked over at his boys; Victor and Belch.

Their straight expressions quickly changed to ones full of sarcasm and evilness, as they saw Bowers look at them. "The knife."

"W-What?" Belch stuttered. "Give me the fucking knife!" He Shouted, strangling Eddie more as he did so. Belch hesitatingly grabbed the knife and handed it over, looking over to victor who just shrugged it off.

"Maybe I'll just cut" Henry teased, lightly dragging the blade across his neck. Belch and Victor were honestly terrified of Henry. They played as Henry's puppet, being controlled and tortured by him every minute of their lives.

Before any more harm could be done, a shriek was heard by the main road. The boys heads rapidly flicked to the direction of the road, confused on what the sound came from. "What the fuck" Henry said, putting the dagger in his pocket. "You wanna check it out?" Victor asked, trying his best to stop Henry doing anything terribly bad. Henry nodded and they walked down the alley way nearer the main road, Eddie still choked in his grasp.

As the group approached the scene, a bike was displayed lying against a silver car. A lady in a full workout outfit: bright leotard, leggings and leg warmers, came out of her car shaking and trembling with every step.

Eddie pushed his head out the gap of Henry's arm, making his face full show. But then realisation struck Eddie like a truck.


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