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"Yeah, you've got no chance." Stan told Richie, the losers were all sitting in Ben's underground hangout. Richie was in the hammock arguing with Stan about who had bought the best present for the party.

"Oh yeah? What shitty gift did you get her then Urine?" A smirk slid across the trash-mouth's face. He knew that Stanley didn't like being called that, he knew something like that pissed him off. But that was exactly Richie's aim in the first place.

"I..." Stan took in a sharp breath "Got her this." Unzipping his backpack, he got out a red box with blue sparkles on each corner. "You got her a fucking cardboard box?" Richie sat up and grabbed the box from Stanley's hands.

Snatching the box back, he held it tight to his chest to protect it from Richie's grasp. "No. It's what's inside okay?" Stan softly said, like it was a sensitive subject. Mike, Ben and Bill had finished their separate conversation, and were walking over to join Richie and Stanley.

"Okay ev-verybody are y-y-you all ready?" Stuttered Bill. Stanley nodded with a plain expression and Richie showed his agreement by making the 'okay' sign with his fingers. "When is she coming?" Mike chirped in, looking around the decorated hideout.

"In about-" Ben went to speak but was suddenly cut off to the sound of footsteps above them. "Shit!" Bill whispered, looking around to the group frantically. He then gestured for them to all go into their hiding spaces, and they all obeyed and ran to them.

They all kept deadly silent. They had spent months preparing this birthday party for her, and they didn't want anything to go wrong. The footsteps, continued, but were slowing down.

"We should scare her so fucking-"
Richie looked up from his hiding space, breaking the silence. They group glared at him talking, begging him to stop. "Shut up you twat." Stan said quietly through his gritted teeth, pushing Richie over as he did so.

The losers were still hearing the footsteps, but were beginning to hear a voice too. "It's not fair.." the voice above spoke. Bill looked at Ben and the others and they just shrugged. "I'm perfectly fine.." the voice spoke for a second time.

Listening closely, they all looked each other as they were confused on who the voice belonged to. "I'm not sick!" The voice became much louder and much clearer. An 'ohhh' shape was mouthed out of Richie's mouth and he began to smile. "Eddie" he whispered to the group.

"More pills isn't what I need. Mommy is so wrong." He spoke to himself, about to travel down the hideout stairs.
Richie chuckled at what Eddie was talking about and went to the foot of the stairs. He looked up and saw a skinny leg step down, wearing neatly tied white sneakers. "Phew." Mike said, creeping out his hiding space along with the others.

Looking at Eddie's leg step down the ladder, Richie without hesitation grabbed it and pulled it down. "Agghe!" Eddie yelped in an extremely high pitch, falling down and landing on Richie. "My fucking leg spaghetti! Ow!" Rich yelled at Eddie, as the pair laid flat on the floor on top of each other. "YOUR the one who pulled me down!" He said still lying down, but now crossing his arms in annoyance.

Stanley walked up to the two idiots on the floor and knelt down to Richie's head. "Help us up, Stan!" Shouted Richie, looking up to Stanley. Stan stared at him with a blank expression, not blinking. After a few seconds of silence, Stan carefully and precisely took the glasses of the boy's face. He cleaned the lenses on his shirt, proceeding to breathe heavily on them to clean it further.

"Stan I'm blind." Richie sighed, "What the hell are you doing?" Stan continued to stare at him, but his blank expression broke into a smirk. "Give them back." Said Richie sternly, furrowing his eyebrows. After another 5 seconds of Stanley looking over at trash-mouth's face, he laughed and said, "No" then walked away while putting the dorky glasses on.

"Oh my god. Stan your looking snazzy." Ben softly laughed, nudging Bill to see too. "Wow, Richie c-could you get glasses any b-bigger?" Bill joined.

"IM STILL ON THE FUCKING FLOOOOOR." Richie yelled, still, as you gathered, on the floor. Eddie who was still collapsed on Richie, looked to the ceiling, disgusted. "WE are still on the floor, Richie!" Eddie Shouted back.

The group broke out into a massive argument, all of them saying stuff to Rich and Ed's while they were saying stuff back. Then, someone climbed down the ladder, but due to their shouting they hadn't heard the footsteps.

The group silenced and all stared at the person in front of them.

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