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Eddie kicked his leg into Henry's stomach, resulting in him falling to the floor. "AH!" He yelped.

Eddie ran to the yellow tape which boarded the scene off. He didn't wait a second, ducking under the tape and running over to the boy on the floor.

"Richie, please!" Eddie cried, his face as pale as a sheet. His little hands held both of Richie's cheeks, his thumb pressing into the sides. A strong hand grabbed Eddie's shoulder, which made his head turn rapidly.

"Police tape for a reason kid." The officer stated, pointing his finger at the borders. Eddie didn't answer, he turn his face towards limp Richie. "WAKE UP!"

"Hey, hey, who are you?" The officer said confusingly. "What happened!" He shrieked, his head turning fast towards the man. Letting out a sigh, the officer looked to the police car where he shared eye contact with another policeman. They nodded at each other, and Eddie noticed the guy in the distance talk to his speaker.

He knew he had to get out of here or they'll have their parents or something called.

"I'll be back, please stay here, ok?" Adjusting his hat, the officer walked away as Eddie gave the man no answer.

It's now or never he thought.

Looking at Richie's toppled over bike, he darted over and grabbed it. He suspected it to be evidently broken, but a few scratches was all that appeared.

Speeding over, Eddie dragged the bike towards Richie. Grabbing Richie's limp, and very heavy body, he successfully got him on the front of the bike - his whole body collapsed over the handlebars.

It didn't take long for the officers to notice what was happening. "HEY!" The officer yelled, grabbing his partner. Eddie ignored this and jumped on behind Richie. Even though his arms were short, he managed to reach over and grab the handlebars. Without a moment to lose, he pushed off the pedals and was off!

"I DEMAND YOU TO STOP!" A group of men raced towards the pair, a few jumping into their cars. The sound of sirens echoed Eddie's ears, but there was no going back now. Racing through the fierce spring wind, he squeezed into Richie as he stretched his little arms on the handlebars. The feeling was great, he felt on top of the world.

"THAT LITTLE BASTARD!" Henry shrieked, scurrying to his feet with the help of Victor and Belch. Running into the centre of the scene, his head violently shifted left and then right, watching the police officers dash down the roads. Belch asked him if he wanted to go catch him up, but henry spat at the floor and made his way out. "Should w-we follow him?" Stuttered Victor, which resulted with a slap in the arm. "Lets go to the park, I have some money too." Belch said, walking on the opposite street path with victor following by.


Tears rolled down Eddies delicate, freckled cheeks. The wind brushed them away, even though new, raw tears kept appearing. As he approached a welcoming house, he jumped of the bike and wheeled it with Richie in, to the door step. He knocked impatiently, unable to keep control of himself.

"Jeezus I'm coming!" The voice called back, footsteps getting louder and louder. The door opened, revealed Eddie and a questionable Richie. "IS HE DEAD?" Stanley screamed, his hand trembling as he brought it to his mouth.

Eddie gave no response, but he didn't need one. The pair pulled Richie up, arm by arm, and carried him upstairs to Stanley's neat and pristine bedroom. With precaution, they laid his limp body against the soft, grey duvet on the bed.

As Eddie sat looking over Richie, he quickly grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse. "He's breathing." Eddie was relieved, smiling slightly and looking at Stan. "I'll get a glass of water." Stan told Eddie, making his way downstairs.

Wow. Fuck.

Stressed thoughts crammed Eddie's head, taking over him like a shadow. He didn't think his small little ride through the woods would turn into the havoc of today. First, he's kidnapped by Bowers and his crew. Second, he kicks bowers into the stomach in order to escape being cut. Third, he finds out Richie has been run over by a car. Fourth, he takes Richie from the crime scene and runs away like a fugitive. FIFTH-

"I'm back." Stanley placed the water on the bedside table, looking at Richie's pale face. Eddie sighed, taking deep breaths like he's just done an hour of exercise. "Are those towels?" Eddie asked. He pointed at the ones Stanley held, and took them from his grasp.

Pouring a little water on the towel, Eddie carefully dabbed Richie's forehead. Droplets of water trickled down the sides of his face, as if the droplets were having some sort of 'water race'. Eddie watched as the water absorbed into the pale skin, cooling Richie down ever so slightly. Taking a seat beside him, his eyes lingered at he boy's surprisingly angelic face.

He was beautiful. He gave Eddie butterflies every time he did something dorky. He couldn't explain it, but Richie Tozier was perfect. Well - not perfect, just the most perfect 'work in progress' he's ever seen.

The pair decided to leave him to rest, so they went downstairs and had some leftovers from Stanley's fridge. "Okay...." Stanley said, scanning the fridge, "We can have turkey sandwiches or I can make some soup."
Stanley turned around as his eyes locked with Eddie. The boys hazelnut brown eyes were different, they were soft like honey. Hurt and pain shone through his eyes, sending shivers down his spine.

"Option one or option two?" He walked over and placed a friendly hand on his shoulder, waking Eddie up like he was in a trance or something. As Eddie took his hands to his forehead, he murmured then pointed at the bowls. "Soup it is, I'll make tomato." As Stan went to start heating up the soup, Eddie looked at the fanny pack which hung loose around his waist, wasting no time in grabbing his inhaler out. Shaking it, he took it to his mouth and pulled the trigger, the familiar sound making Stan's head repel around.

A sigh escaped Stan's mouth as he saw the blue inhaler held in Eddie's hand. His eyes slowly moved to looking out the window, where Stanley spotted 2 birds perched on a tree's branch.

2 birds, but what type? Is that a hummingbird? No- wait? Yes, it is. Oh and the other bird? It's a bluebird! Female? Well, maybe not. Actually scratch that, the blue bird is definitely female. The hummingbird....oh god it's obvious! It's a Male-

"Stanley?" A sharp high pitch voice rung around Stan's ears, making him stop looking out at the birds. "Sorry just saw.." Stanley walked to the stove, finishing the soup, "some really cool birds." A heart melting smile appeared on the bird whisper's face, enough for Eddie to smile back.

About 20 minutes later, the boys had finished the soup, but ate in complete silence. Their minds were too focused on the person upstairs, they couldn't escape the hurt state they were in.

Eddie and Stanley washed and dried all the bowls and pots, and put them all back in their normal places. The freckled face boy, turned as pale as a sheet, as his mind stood corrupted with stressful thoughts.

This is all my fault. I've let my best friend nearly die! I'm also a criminal, not to forget! Ugh. What the hell am I gonna do? My mom would die if she found out i'm hiding a half dead body. Wait, fuck. My mom.

Eddie, with force, put the bowl down and ran to the phone. He pushed open the contact phone book, scanning through all the names until he found 'Mrs and Mr Tozier.' As his little fingers went to dial the number, he saw the small writing which sat under the number. It said, 'Richie's parents to be out on a trip for a fortnight'.

Great. What the hell am I gonna do now.

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