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Bill blinked.

Mike blinked.

Ben blinked.

Stan blinked.

Richie and Eddie probably did as well but that wouldn't be able to be seen as they were momentarily collapsed on the floor.

"Woahh." Beverly said looking around the room, "What the fuck is going on here?"

Everyone looked at each other seeing how stupid they looked. "Umm..." Bill muttered, confused what to say. Beverly looked then to Richie and Eddie lying on top of each other, smirking. "You have an orgy or something?" She joked, raising her eyebrow.

"No!" Eddie high pitched yelled, gesturing for Beverly to help him up. She went and pulled him up by his hand then hugged him. "Oh yeah, just leave me on the floor why don't you." Spat Richie, climbing up and dusting himself off. Beverly then looked around the decorated cabin, Eddie's hand around Beverly's waits and leaning his head on her shoulder.

"You did this all for me?" She smiled, admiring all the handmade decorations. "Yeah, we wanted it to look special." Ben blushed, looking at Bev like she was some sort of angel. Bev returned a smile to him, then looked at Stanley and burst into laughter.

"I dig those Glasses, Stanley!" She laughed, looking at him wearing the goggly glasses still. "Yeah so do I." He said adjusting the glasses on his face.

"I'm so sorry Beverly." Mike sighed, looking at everyone who were a little disappointed. "Yeah, this was s-supposed to be p-perfect." Bill added on. This made Beverly's heart warm, she had such amazing friends. They cared so much about her, they wanted this special day to be great.

"It is perfect, your all here and that's what counts." She went over to them and smiled. "We're losers anyhow, nothing in this world is supposed to go right for us." Beverly told the group, hugging them one by one.

As they all finished hugging Beverly, they all turned to the small snacks table. Everything was as normal, but the Oreos were gone. "Richie, stop stuffing your face!" Mike called out, making all the losers look at Richie who had eaten 2 sleeves already. "Twhere swo gwood though.."Richie said, talking with his mouth full. Stan sighed in disappointment, while the other losers rolled their eyes.

They all had a great time, chatting, eating and just having fun being the kids they are. But they hadn't realised that somebody had been really quiet. "Eddie do you wanna-"Bev turned around and finished her cheese sandwich, looking at the hammock where Eddie laid fast asleep. "Shh." Ben said, smiling as the others smiled at the adorable Kaspbrak.

Richie stood weak at the knees, his eyes glistening with warmth. He couldn't stop admiring house perfect he was. He loved his little red shorts, and how he walked around in them. He loved how small and cute he was, he loved his health obsession at times as it made him look very little and adorable. Richie Elizabeth Tozier was in love.

"He's literally a baby!"awed Ben, looking at the others who nodded in agreement. "What do we do? Do we-" Mike chirped in, But being interrupted by Richie's arm stopping him. "No, leave him. He's in a deep sleep." Told Richie, admiring Kaspbrak.

The losers had decided, after their party of fun and laughter, they should call today finito (Which is finish in Italian). It was only 5pm, but they guessed it was a chance to have a relax and do some unfinished homework.

Richie stayed with Eddie as he wanted the alone time, he sat right next to the sleeping boy in the hammock. He leant into the side of the hammock, right by Eddie's legs. His eyes was fixed on his sleeping face, admiring in complete silence.

It had been about 10 silent minutes, until Eddie started to wake up. He rolled over and his eyes fluttered open, where then Richie quickly got up from his position and ran to the other side of the room.

"Richie?" Eddie rubbed his eyes, looking at him. Richie walked over from the corner like he was there the whole time. "Yeah?" He quietly said, adjusting his glasses. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Mhm." Rich smirked. Eddie sighed and climbed out the hammock. "What time is it?" He said tying his shoelaces. "Ummm.." Richie looked at the watch on his wrist, "Just gone 6."

They went and grabbed their stuff and climbed out the hideout. Richie made sure it was all covered as it was their secret place, and climbed over his bike. "Race you to the candy store?" Rich pushed on the peddle, ready for action. "Yeah!" Eddie smiled and they both rode as fast as they could down the roads of Derry.

As they rode their bikes, Eddie looked over to Richie. His gorgeous black curly locks were blowing in the wind, and a cute smile was plastered on his face. He liked Richie very much. He kinda had a soft spot for this crazy boy, even though that sounds mad to Eddie.

The boys continued to roam the roads, passing through the village of Derry.
Then Richie shrieked.

"SHIT!" Richie yelled, flicking his head to behind him. "What! What happened!?" Eddie was some what confused, he looked at Richie with worried eyes.

Richie looked at Eddie without a response. He then whispered "peddle....faster."

Eddie nodded and they sped up, speeding down the road "Bowers." Richie told Eddie, and this made the boys race at full speed. They then took a small pathway, hoping that this was a good exit. Looking left and right, they were sure they were safe.

"I think we lost them." Eddie panted, looking at Richie who nodded. Richie looked around the trees and looked up at the sky. He looked up at the sun shining its rays down on the boy, which made him smile. "AHHH!" A scream echoed through the forest.

Richie looked around him.

Eddie was gone.

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