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•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒

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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒.

Callisto swiftly dodged the passerbyers on the dry Tatooine sand, checking to see if the merchant was still chasing her.

Sure enough, the bastard was.

"Someone stop her!" He yelled in hope, but no one took action. Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to stop her. Scoundrels were good at what they did, specifically a fighter like her.

She laughed as she ran with the stolen sack over her shoulder. After another 300 yards of running, she reached her hut, knowing she had finally lost the merchant.

She ran inside, the smile of adrenaline leaving her face. She wished she could yell out 'Ani, I did it!' like the old days. But he had left her. He left his best friend, just to become some, what, jedi?

She would've been ok with it, since it was his dream to leave Tatooine. She only wasn't because ten year old Anakin didn't even say goodbye. What hurt even more is that, even though she was six, she loved him. She thought they would get married some day.

Oh, how false and foolish she was. Now, she lived alone. Only nineteen years old and the best smuggler there had ever been, she felt unstoppable. She didn't need any friends, after all, she had her droid.


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R7-L23. Or, for short, R7. Even though she had it, she thought about Anakin everyday. She loved to hate him and hated to love him. Either way, what was the point? She'd never see him again.

Forgetting that train of thought, she opened the bag of valuables to see what she had grabbed. All things were of mediocre value except for one item. A lightsaber.

She grabbed it, not believing that she had a real one in her hands. She was eager to figure out what side it belonged to, based on its color. But when she turned it on, her head tilted in utter confusion.

It was white. Pure white, almost too bright to look at. She twirled it around like she did to her swords, feeling like a jedi. Gross.

She turned it off and tossed into her daily sack to sell.

"Hey R7, got any news for me?" She asked the small machine. It was smaller than most R units, a feature Callisto liked.

It beeped in morse code, the language it was programmed to speak.

"Chancellor Palpatine has been assassinated, and the Jedi are looking everywhere for the murderer," The droid announced.

"Dead? Probably just some bounty hunter, but they tougher than beskar to catch, huh?" She asked and the droid squeaked.

"You wouldn't happen to know if...Anakin..was looking near here, hm?" Callisto asked nervously.

"Your dream boy appears to be looking in the Tatooine system, so yes," the droid teased. She rolled her eyes and put the mask around her lower face and grabbed her sack, hooking it over her shoulder.

She grabbed her rifle and turned R7 to mobile mode. The droid followed her out and into the busy streets of Nebular, her town.

She was walking along looking for something fun when she heard the merchant shout to the security, "There she is! Get her!"

Callisto sighed and looked towards R7, "Sorry buddy, but you better go home. I'll be back shortly."

The droid beeped sadly and quickly headed off. Callisto ran awhile but quickly got surrounded by ugly aliens with guns, aka security.

"Hey guys, look. A girls gotta live, you know. How else am I supposed to make money with men like you holding me back?" She teased, grabbing her rifle.

Shooting two, she was still fighting off four other ones. She stabbed one with the edge of the rifle and began kicking and dodging the lasers of the other three. In only five minutes, she was looking at all six of them on the ground moaning in pain.

To her dismay, another group of around 12 guards showed up.

"Shit," She breathed out, and turned to run as fast as she could. She did, and had almost lost them when she bumped into a large, tall,

"Move," she demanded, not even looking at him.

"I'm afraid I can't," His calming voice said. He kept a firm grip on her arm.

The security stopped in front of them, "Give us the thief or we'll shoot."

The mysterious cloaked man waved his hand, "You don't want to capture this girl."

"We don't want to capture this girl," A guard said.

"And you want to leave her alone forever," He waved again.

"We want to leave her alone forever. Good day sir," Just like that, the guards walked off and strangers carried on with their business.

"Ok pal, what's your hustle?" Callisto asked the man. He pulled her into an alley and removed his hood.

Callisto couldn't believe her eyes. It was him. Anakin. Her Ani.

Short introduction for ya!
Anakin is next <3

𝘛𝘖𝘙𝘕 𝘐𝘕 𝘗𝘐𝘌𝘊𝘌𝘚 | A. SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now