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•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚒𝚒

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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚒𝚒.

"Callisto, long time no see," Anakin smirked down at her. She was always tiny for her age, but now that he was fully grown, he was a whole head taller than her.

"An...Anakin?" She trembled. She looked at him closely for the first time, and God, he was beautiful. He had grown incredibly handsome, more than anyone she'd ever seen.

"The one and only," His smirked widened as he spoke.

"This isn't a time for sarcasm, dickhead. Let me go," She pushed on him.

He laughed, assuming it was a joke, "That's no way to greet an old friend, is it?"

"Friend? Friend? You were my only friend, until you left me without saying goodbye. You were the only person I had!" She snapped at him.

"I-what? I had to leave immediately! I was ten!" He defended himself.

Anakin never remembered doing such things. He just remembered Qui-Gon telling him he had to leave immediately, and he didn't think about going back to anyone expect his mother. Now, he felt exceptionally guilty.

"If you're expecting forgiveness, you better face the fact that you're not getting it!" She snapped back harshly, pushing more.

He reminded himself not to let his feelings overcome himself. That, of course, was against the Jedi code.

"I'm sorry, but you must hear me out. There is something serious I need to talk with you about," He warned.

Callisto thought about it for a second.

"Is it that dumb lightsaber I stole?" She hoped he needed it and that would be the end of it.

"No, but it's good that you already have one. Now will you please just talk to me?" He begged. And he never begged.

"Fine, come back to my hut first though," It was only then she noticed his droid following him back with her. Another R unit.

They finally got back and he saw she lived in a scrappy crashed ship.

"I'm guessing you heard the news about Chancellor Palpatine," Anakin said.

"I'd be surprised if anyone hadn't," She said, pouring two cups of waters. Anakin used the force to lift it and bring it to his mouth.

Callisto watched with wide eyes, "Is that the whole force thing? And is that also what got the guards to go away?"

"Indeed. As to why I'm here, I've come to retrieve you to train as a jedi. Well, I mean, I was told to find and train a padawan, and I know you'd be perfect. I can already sense you're strong with the force," Anakin explained.

"What? You think I'm gonna be the very think you left me to be?" Callisto dead panned.

"I know you will. The force allows me to see into the future. I mean, we could save all the talking and-" Anakin got interrupted.

𝘛𝘖𝘙𝘕 𝘐𝘕 𝘗𝘐𝘌𝘊𝘌𝘚 | A. SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now