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"My Lord , we found her location . It is the St Victoria Pacific Private Institution " ( i made up the name)

Finally. I can meet her again. After the accident, I swear to myself to never meet her again. But I feel lonely. I feel sad thinking about her rejecting me. I searched for her for years only to know that she left to help humans. What was she thinking? My heart went boiling. Is she okay? What if the humans was hurting her? NO NO ONE CAN HURT MY ROSÉ. NOT ON MY WATCH.

"Well , its looks like we're going to visit some young bloods today. Archer , prepare my knights . We are going Now ."

You see Archer is my best friend because he was also a demon but he wasnt as strong as me . So now he works as my beta .

The next thing I knew , we are standing infront of her school.

I can smell her. The sweet scent of roses and honey mixed with lavender . This wonderful scent is everything i needed to smell . She is here.

"M-Mr Satanas , what can I do for you today? I me-mean welcome to the St Victoria Pacific. "

Fool. Even this institution is under me .

"What can i do for you? This institution is under me!" Thunder occur loud enough to make the whole school ground shake .

How dare this fool asked me?!

"Mr Sata-Satanas , Im so-sorry I didnt kn-know"

"Well, now do your fucking work . Call all the students to gather at the hall . NOW!" I said with glowing red eye

"Ye-yes Sir"

Now is the time to meet my Rosé . After few years of searching for her , I finally found her .

There she stood. All beautifully and all Mine. With her milky blonde hair , long
beautiful legs, round baby face and button nose . Ah , this is amazing. Seeing her again after few years make me feel alive. I crave her . And I will always get what I want.

While the old man gave his speech , I just stared at her. I noticed she gave me a few glance . Along with her friend, who is also an angel , I heard them talk about me. The benefits of having a super hearing.

"Lets talk to her . She looks so beautiful what the fuck are you waiting for?" Ergh I forgot that this little piece of shit is in me.

"What the fuck? Youre the piece of shit you old man" snarled satan

"Baby this old man is still strong enough to be the King. Better watch your mouth baby." I smirk

"You asshole . I am not a baby Alex "

"Well you act like one so shut up"

Thats when we fucked up.

"Fuck fuck what do you get in her head? You dumb fuck"

"What its not my fault. She looks so beautiful i cant help man"

Then I heard her friends screaming asking her to wake her up.

Before she fainted , I used my super speed to catch her before she could fall .

I catch her gracefully . Her body against mine feel so right.

And when she open her eyes , it was like the world has stop. Both eyes staring at each other. My grey ones met her blue ones.

Can she feels it?

That I miss her?

DEVILS GIRL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now