The End|22

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Rosé pov

After the prank,Alex beg me to forgive him multiple times and ofcourse I did forgive him. I cant say no to his face.

We're finally back at home all cleaned ( we have to wash his shirt cause the dark red stain wont go away) and all cuddled up on his couch.

And then I remember one thing, our date didnt really went well and Im kinda upset...

Alex pov

I hear her sighing loudly probably to get my attention. Then when I stared at her, I really get the see that shes upset about the whole dumb ass prank that I pull on her.

"Baby, Rosé look at me please?" She didnt even turn at me she just continue pushing he face into my chest.

"No, you make mad" now its my time to sigh

I tried to get her attention again but no use , then an idea popped up in my mind.

I find her soft spot and giggle her. Automaticly, she responded and lift her face to meet mine.

"What? You made me upset and you didnt even finish our date" she pout cutely.

I just smile and caressing her face, her hair and bring her face to mine.

"I know I messed up the date but Rosé,-"

I get up from the couch and kneeled down " will you make me the happiest devil and man alive and be my wife? Will you wake up every morning with me by your side? Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me? "

She kept quiet and that makes my heart pound. Will she accept  it? Or will sh-


"WHY YES I WILL BE YOUR WIFE!" she shouted and in a flash all our friends surround us and claps their hand.

Rosé got up from my lap and hug me even tighter and flash me her amazing and beautiful smile.

"Are you serious about this?" She asked me still grinning

"Why ofcourse. The reason why I set up the prank was to propose to you but I ended up messing the date and made you upset. Rosé, I promise you no more pranks from now on" I kiss her on the lips.

"Thank you Alex. I love you" she kiss me back

"I love you more , my wife"

And after that they live happily ever after.  And thats how the devil king met the angel and they fell in  love.

The end.

*i know the ending sucks im sorry but i just wanna end the story

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