I Miss You | 5

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"Wha-Where am I?"

This plac-no this room is so dark . What is this place? Suddenly it clicked.

"Im at the Devil's Castle am I?" I thought

I quickly stand up from the bed. When I look around , I realised . This room is so magical. I've never seen anything like this before in my entire life. So beautiful yet so lonely...

Then the door open revealing Him.

"I see you have awake , Rosé?" No this cant be. Dont look into his eyes. I cant but why why can I feel this mate pull?

Holding my chest while scrunching down on the floor. I scream.

I didnt realise he was watching me the whole time. I thought he wasnt gonna help me but

"Rosé! Rosé! Please Rosé stay with me. Please! "

I cant. Its too much to handle.

The suddenly I feel like Im on the clouds. What?

"Rosé, this the the doctor. Please baby wake up. I need you to be with me"

Then I open my eyes. Meeting his grey ones that is looking at me with sympathy? Sadness? What?

"Mr Williams , please allow me to a check up on you."

I just nodded. I didnt realise he was holding my hand until he was caressing my hand. What?

"Mr Williams, you have low blood pressure. Please take this pills after you eat dinner and breakfast every day until i check on you again"

"You can go Harrison" his voice boomed in the room . Like I can only hear his voice and nothing else

I was too caught up in my mind that I didnt realise the doctor left.

"Im sorry Rosé . Im really am"

I kept silent. I dont have the courage to look into his eyes. I remembered what I did in the past. I rejected him when we were still kids

"Rosé, please hear me out. After you rejected me I was left devastated. I dont know what to feel. I dont know how to be alive. My soulmate , my mate just rejected me. It hurts so bad Rosé. I really thought I will die because I cant bear the thoughts of you hating me and being with another man. You are my woman , and I will always be your man . But you left me for years. I planned to killed you and all the angels because you all are just disturbing my peace. But then when I saw you faiting in the hall , I realised that I dont want to lose you"

H-he want to kill me?

I was shaking. This man can kill me in any seconds. I should run. I didnt realise I was crying until he whisper sweet words while touching my cheeck

"Dont cry my love. I wont kill you anymore . I promise."

No. It was a lie. He was a devil. King of Demons to be exact. All he does was lying . Again and again.

Then he left. I took this chance to run.
No I wont stay here. I wont be with him . He is the devil. I cant be with him
No my parents are searching for me. I should be home now.

I run towards the door to find it unlocked. I dashed towards the stairs.

Alexander Satanas
Alexander Satanas
Alexander Satanas

He was the only thing I could think of

I reach the main door. But I can feel it.

Pain. Sorrow. Hurt. Sadness.


But I was not feeling this. Wh-what?

Then I quickly open the knob but before that I see Him.

Ontop of the stairs. Staring back at me with his lifeless grey eyes . No I cant do this.

I ran. I left him.

But I can feel like this wont be our last encounter.

Because, I miss him too.

DEVILS GIRL [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now