Bringing Her To Hell |11

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After I confess my feelings to her, our bond become more closer than ever. So I decided to bring to her my real castle. Well I do have few castle like example the castle we're in now is my second one. With is in the between human world and supernatural world. But my first castle is located in Hell.

Im sweating. Will she agree to follow me back to hell? I mean she is an angel afterall. They dont and never will belong to a place like hell.

"Rosé, Rosé can you erm come her for a bit?"

She just finished her shower. And man her scent is calling me.

"Yeah just a bit" she reply in her sweet voice

"Man Im scared. What if she reject us again?" Satan ask. Sometimes I do forget he's one with me

"No just think positively . I dont think she will reject us again" satan laugh. Wtf? This shit has the audicity to laugh at me erghhhh

We both went silent thinking about how her reaction will be

"So yeah whats the problem? Is everything okay?" She ask me worrying

"Well erm Rosé, I have to go back to hel-"

Oh fuck she's crying. No no

"No no baby please stop dont cry" fuck she wont stop. I gotta do something

I hold her face in my hand . Kissing her forehead, cheeks and lips.

"Baby look at me. I have to go back to hell but Im not leaving you, I want you to follow me." I said and man Im sweating as fuck

She look at me with big eyes. And suddenly she give me her biggest smile and hug me really tight. She squeal really loud .

"Yes yes I will follow you Alex!" She said

She drag me into the room and push me into our closet. She pick out my clothes for me. Wow I dont know she will be this excited.

"We have to be fast Alex.  Move move!" Shes so cute I cant

After lots of making out and laughing our ass off , we are finally done . We bid our goodbye to Mary and some other maids. Then we left for Hell.

In the car, she cant even sit still. She holds my hand and sing out loud. She give me a few glances to see either Im watching her or not. Omg she so cute

What have I done to deserve her?

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