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Hell was amazing.

It was never like what I imagine before. Well I thought it was gonna be all dark and creepy but it turns out to be more luxurious than I thought. Well maybe because Im at Alex's castle and not at the real hell. Haha

"Rosé, hold my hand. Its dangerous here" he told me for the 10th time. Oh my goshhh he is  so possesive. His possesiveness is 10 times more than his usual ones when we arrived here.

"Yes father" i roll my eyes

We are now  infront of a big gate that leads to the biggest castle I've ever seen. This is huge . No its really huge Im speechless.

Then the gates open by its own. Welcoming us. But the strange thing is it feels so warm and welcoming. I look at Alex to see him already looking at me.

"Baby,welcome to Hell" he smile and Im loss at words. His castle is amazing. No hell here is amazing

We enter his castle and are welcome by thousands of his maids. Wait,theyre all are demons. They have horns but theyre are super polite

"Welcome Back , King and Queen" they said in union making me shock at the loud greeting. But Alex hold me back before I could even fall

"Get use to it honey, youre their queen now" he wink

We spend the whole day exploring Hell.
Well he actually show me everything in Hell including his Hellhound. Oh my it was very scary. They are so big and their muscles look like it can snap me into two in a second. We then explore his kingdom and it was super exciting. The sky is dark but the moon shine bright red making the scenery beautiful.

" I never thought I'll be here one day.  What will the King and Queen reaction  be like when they know my mate is the devil?" I thought quietly

"They must be super shock and upset" he said out of nowhere

What? Did he just read my mind?

"You can read minds?"

"Well yes I can love. Theres much more things you didnt know about me. Im sorry if youre upset that I read your mind , but I cant help it" he said sadly

"What no Alex, Im not upset. Im just suprise that you can do that too because I can also read minds. It was said that only few angels and demon has the ability to read minds."

"Well love, you seem to forget who I am huh?" What?

"Wha-? Oh my bad , youre the King of Demons for god's sake. Sorry I forgot" i said shyly

He just laugh and hug me. Ahhh, it feels so warm.

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