Love | 18

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As soon as we arrived at the palace, everyone turn their heads at us.

In a flash Alex has his arm around my shoulder, protecting me from all the people surrounding us. I just move closer to him taking in his warmth

"Welcome to the royal dinner My Lord and our lovely Rosé" Demicca 'bow down' but she cant stop her laugh

I just laugh at her action meanwhile Alex just look at us like we're little kids. But we really are haha

We hold hands together and walk to the palace , leaving Alex behind us. When I walk in, I was amazed. It changed so much in few years.  The walls, the decorations , theyre all in pink and cream colour , my favourite colour of all.

"Rosé? Are you okay? You have been spacing out for a while" Alex nudge my hand

I just smile and nod at him

The palace is beautiful. I wish I can stay here forever.

"Well baby we can decorate our home like this if you like it that much" Alex said while looking at the walls

"Yeah but you'd be bored" I reply laughing

I knew his favourite colour was black and red. And just imagine if the whole castle is in pink and cream? He'd be crazy hahaha

Then theres an announcements telling us to go the royals dining room. We walk hand in hand towards the dining room. Dont ask me how I know where it was because I use to go there when I was a child.

When we arrived, King Sebastian and Queen Eliza smile at us showing their gums. Everyone including the king and queen,the royal families, my parents
greet us with their smile making me feel so loved. I tighten my grip on Alex's hand making him look down at me before of our height difference . I mean he's like 6ft8 and im like 5ft1 is kinda huge.

When everyone settle down , we begin our dinner. It was one of the greatest dinner Ive ever had.

We met so many people some like Aunt Jenny, my old neighbour , Mrs Becky , my teacher and many more that I used to know when I was a kid.

They all treat Alex so nicely and dont even look at him like he's a demon. This make us feel so welcome and accepted.

"Alex and Rosé, we all pray the best for your relationship. Dont forget to invite us to the wedding okay?" The king smirk

"We'll sure do" Alex reply

We bid them goodbye and went back to Hell. I was too tired to even open my eyes until I feel my back on a soft surface.

I open my eyes and look at Alex. He smile down at me making me flutter

"Sleep my love, youre worn out" he softly laugh

I only nod and give him a weak smile.

I never felt so loved.

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