Never Trust A Snake

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Zane p.o.v.
I woke up in my brothers rooms and I. I didn't see my brothers maybe they started training? I look out the window to see my friend falcon. I went into the main room to see Nya and Sensei Wu. "A watchful eye never sleeps" said Sensei "As long as Lloyd and the Serpentines roam freely no one in Ninjago is safe" said Nya "Where are the others?" I asked "training on the upper deck" said Sensei I nodded and went there. Nobody was here? Except my mysterious falcon I went up to it. "You were in my dream little friend last time I saw you, you led me to good fortune what reason have you returned?" I asked the Falcon flew away I watch it until I saw a shadow behind me. I turned around and saw him. "Lord Garmadon. But you were banished" I said "only to return for the weapon of Spinjitzu" Said Lord Garmadon. He brought out to sword. "For soon I will have the power to recreate Ninjago" he walk towards me. I brought out my Golden Shuriken and did a flip behind him. "Give me your shuriken of ice" said Garmadon "You'll have to take them from me! Ninjago!" I said while doing my Spinjitzu on Lord Garmadon but he grab me and threw me to the ground. "So be it!" He said but Clover showed up and punch him. "Foolish girl!" He shouted. They were fighting each other. "Clover stop! Get away from him!" I shouted. Clover look at me and Garmadon grab her and threw her off the ship. "Clover! No!" I shouted and ran to save her but Lord Garmadon stop me. "This ends now!" He kick me into the stomach and cut a rope which the container was about to crushed me. But it didn't I look up to see the Green Ninja. "The Green Ninja. The legend is true" I said. The Green Ninja and Lord Garmadon started to fight each other. I saw the Ninja pulled out the Nunchucks of Lightning? Could it be Jay? The Ninja hit Garmadon off the ship. I look back at the Green Ninja holding Clover and set her down. Clover ran towards me and kissed me!? I didn't know what was going on? Clover look at me and said "I love you Zane" I blush at her words. I turn back to the Green Ninja and fire was coming out of his hands!? "Who are you? Kai? Is that you?" I asked him.


I bang my head on the bunk bed. I woke up back into my bed? It was just a dream. Just a dream. "Oh sleeping in you're gonna be late for training" said Jay "How come no one awakened me?" I asked them "we didn't think you wanted us to you look like you were having some dream" said Kai. I blush because I remember that Clover kiss me in my dream. "How do I know this isn't a dream" I said. Cole came up to me and hit me with a pillow. "Does that feel like a dream" said Cole "No thank you for your help" I said. The others laugh.

We went to the upper deck. "Little slow today huh what exactly did you dream about?" said Kai "I saw the Falcon again" I said "Whoa Zane every time you see that bird something big happens first it led you to the secret treehouse" said Jay. Then Sensei walk in. "Then it led you to the Bounty" said Cole "Alright stretches first the swooping crane" said Sensei. We did it but I continue to tell them what happened in my dream. "This time it showed me The Green Ninja" I whispered "The Green Ninja!?" They shouted. Sensei turned around and saw Cole, Jay and Kai not doing it but I still did my perfectly. "That looks the shocked monkey bad far more focus" said Sensei and turned back around. The other went back to do the swooping crane. "You can't just drop a bomb like that spill the beans" said Jay "yeah what else did you see" said Kai "He was fighting Lord Garmadon" I said "That's what the prophecy said that the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord but did you have the chance to see which one of us is him?" Said Kai "yeah did you see" said Jay and Cole in synced. "I could not tell you shared attribute each one of us possess" I said. "Now pinching crab" said Sensei. We did it but we continue our conversation. "Well tell us everything and don't spare any details there has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the Green Ninja" said Kai but Sensei pulled his hair. "Hey!" Shouted Kai. Sensei let go of his hair. "What was so important to ignored my teachings" asked Sensei "Uh nothing" said Kai "It was nothing Sensei" said Jay "yeah we don't talk well you teach" said Cole "Everyone was paying attention" I said. "Since you all appeared to be lacking in focus then you can all share in the punishment" said Sensei. "what!?" Said Kai "Punishment" said Jay "It was all Zane" said Cole pointing at me. "I was merely answering their questions" I said "No free time and no video games the rest of the day can be used for training and tomorrow for that matter" said Sensei "Training for how long?" asked Kai "until you can answer my this simple riddle. What is the best way to defeat an enemy" said Sensei "Easy with a sword" said Kai "Your fist" said Jay "Spinjitzu" said Cole "Tornado Of Creation" I said. Sensei was walking away and said "pace yourselves you have a lot of training ahead of you make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your Spinjitzu". Cole then push the button and reveal the training course. "Ah. What's the best way to defeat an enemy? It could be anything" Asked Cole "Come on, guys we're smart. We can figure it out." Said Jay. Kai punch the punching bag and saw Sensei went into his room. "Yeah, but let's hear more about this dream" "Let me just say the Green Ninja is awesome" I said and started to tell them the whole thing except Clover. I need to know what are these feeling that I'm having.

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