Once Bitten, Twice Shy

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Third p.o.v.

At the Bounty Ship. Nya taught the Ninjas about the Fangpyre tribe by using a skeleton. "Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangpyre a few miles away it predates the Golden Age and and must be hundreds of years old" said Nya. She took out a laser pointer and point at the Fangpyre fang. "although the venneman of fangs of the Fangpyre genetically mutate human cells into reptilian. I've learn there could be a way to stop the effects without having to create an anti-venom". Kai was listening to his sister while playing with a pencil. Clover and Zane were listening and taking some notes. Cole was just drawing himself fighting. And Jay was distracted and loved Nya. Clover knows that Jay loves Nya. "If one is able to wildly raise their heart rate hypothetically it could reverse the venoms effects resulting in diminished" Nya then stops and asked "excuse me is someone wearing perfume I'm severely allergic to perfume" Jay stops and looks at Kai "You told me it was men's cologne" "I get it mixed up" said Kai. The others laugh. Kai and Zane high-five each other. Zane looks at the time. "Looks like class is over time to start stomping some serpentine before they find any Fangblades" said Cole "Sound like a plan" said Kai "I'm excited to join" said Zane walking out the room alone with the others. Except for Jay. Jay walks up to Nya. "Uh hey uh Nya I'm sorry the reason I was you know I went to Kai because what I'm trying to say is" "I know it's just a cruel joke I should be fine please go fight snakes" said Nya "No, no, no I was trying to impress you. Look before Sensei left he said our heart was the key to unlocking our true potential" "Impress me" said Nya blushing "But I look so" "fantastic" said Jay finishing his sentences. Nya was playing with her hair. "Maybe if you'll let me I can take you to some big fancy restaurant you know you don't have to. If you don't want to" said Jay "You mean like a date?" Jay blushed "um yeah" "Sure! I love too but I have to go now before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I going to shock. See ya tonight" said Nya leaving the room. Jay jumps and dance happily. While he was dancing he accidentally touch the Fangpyre skeleton fang but he ignored it and leaves the room.

Into the Realm Of Madness. Sensei Wu found his brother Lord Garmadon. "Hello brother. What took you so long? You brought the katana from our youth. Funny you never had the courage to cross the temple wall yet now you have the courage to come here?" Asked Garmadon "Why have you come to this place of Darkness?" Asked Sensei "A place as wicked as me don't you see here I feel at home back in Ninjago I was physically unable to hold all four Spinjitzu weapons but here dark magic has made me stronger and what was once impossible is now possible" said Garmadon showing Wu that he has four arms. Wu was in shock to see his brother like this. "You can here only to possess the weapons of Spinjitzu" "Yes brother and I refuse to allow you or your petty Ninja to stop me" said Garmadon. He brought out his four weapons Wu brought out his katana. They fought each other. Garmadon push Wu down to the mud. Garmadon summons Mud Monster. They surrounded Wu. "Brother. I'm not come here to fight you" said Wu "You will pay for your visit! Mud Monsters converge!" They were trying to sink in Sensei Wu but he tried to talk to his brother "You don't belong here fool you should have known better than try to stop me" said Garmadon "I didn't come to stop you I came to warn you to tell you your son is in danger" said Sensei "Lloyd?" Garmadon pull Wu out of the Mud Monsters and defeated them. He help his brother up. "What has Lloyd gotten himself into?" Asked Garmadon "he has opened a can of worms I fear I will never be able to close" said Sensei "You mean we will never be able to close. Get up. You can tell me more later first we need to return home. How did you find me?" "Traveler's Tea but I used it all and now have no way back" "There is only way to return to Ninjago but to get there we must pass through the Mountain Of Madness and it is a long and dangerous road ahead" said Garmadon "I wouldn't have it any other way" said Sensei "We should leave before it really gets dark" . Sensei Wu and Lord Garmadon walk to the Mountain Of Madness.

The Serpentine found the first Fangblade they used the Constrictai to dig that location. Skales look at the map. "This is it Pythor the map lead us here. The first Fangblade." They saw Mega Monster Amusement Park. "Maybe it's better to wait until dark so we don't attract any unwanted attention from the Ninja or Samurai" suggest Skales "Oh I have a feeling we'll fit right in" said Pythor. The Serpentine slither and walk inside of the amusement park. A family walk up to Pythor "Excuse me would you mind if my family takes a picture with you" said a man "Your costume is so authentic" said Women. Pythor play along with it. "of course welcome to..." Pythor looks at the sign "Mega Monster Amusement Park" the family went up to Pythor. Skales was holding the camera "say cheese" "cheese" said the family. Skales took the picture. Which made a flash that Pythor didn't like.

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