Day Of The Great Devour

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City Of Ouroboros

Third p.o.v.

The Ninja and Samurai watched their Sensei and Pythor got eaten by the Great Devour. "Sensei..." Said Kai "No..." Said Clover. The Great Devour was looking around for it's next pray until it spotted the Ninja and Samurai. "Maybe if we stand perfectly still..." Said Jay "Run!!!" Shouted Kai. The Ninja runs towards the Destiny Bounty Ship. Nya and Lloyd gotten ready to leave when the Ninja arrived on the ship. "Fire up the engine!" She said Lloyd was looking for the Ninja "I said Fire up the engine" Nya repeat again. Lloyd run to the main room and said "There's no wind. And we only have reserve fuel!" "Use it!" Said Nya now taking control of the steering wheel.

The Ninja finally gotten on the Destiny Bounty Ship. Jay looked up at the screen and saw The Great Devour coming closer to them "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear" "Working on it! Blaster on full" said Nya. The Destiny Bounty Ship has taken off before The Great Devour reach them. Kai looked outside to see that they gotten away from it "Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake" said Kai. The Great Devour wasn't done with them yet, it came out of the ground and it was in front of the ship."Uh, I think it heard you" said Clover. Nya turned the ship and fly away quickly before Devour could do any else. Kai once again looked out the window to see Devour was chasing after them. "Nya, we gotta go faster. That thing is gaining on us" "We're going as fast as we can. I'll try to make it to Scattered Canyon" said Nya in panic. "Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent." Said Zane "Never tell me the odds!" Said Nya. Cole looked back at the screen with Lloyd and saw Devour was gonna attack them. "It's coming in for another attack, Port side" Nya did as Cole told her "We're losing speed, We'll drop to the ground pretty soon!" Said Lloyd "Throw everything overboard!" Said Nya "What!?" All of them shouted "We need to lose some weight" said Nya "Port side!" Said Lloyd. It was too late The Devour bite one of the booster. The Ninja quickly throw everything overboard but once the Devour eats whatever the Ninja is throw at get much bigger.

"Man, he sure is hungry. Does anyone else think the Devourer looks bigger than it did before?" said Jay "The more it consumes, the bigger it gets, Don't throw anything else overboard!" Said Clover but it was too late Kai already throw Wu teapot at the snake. The Destiny Bounty Ship has already made it to Scattered Canyons. "Phew. We made it to Scattered Canyons. Hold on!" said Nya as she drive into the canyons. Nya tried to loose it by making left and right turns. Kai looked around to see it but nothing. He didn't see The Great Devour. So did the other Ninja they didn't see it either. "Ah, we lost him" said Cole feeling relief. Out of no where The Devour took down their engine. "Abandon ship!" Shouted Nya. The ship was going down to the ground. "Goodbye, old friend" said Zane. Clover came up to him "Zane we need to leave now!" She said. He nodded. Everyone got off the Bounty Ship with their golden vehicles and Samurai suit. Once everyone got off The Great Devour swallows the whole ship then the giant snake was gone.

Everyone was taking their breath. "Unh, it's gone" said Cole walking around in panic."Oh, that was too intense. All that action makes you so thirsty" said Kai "There's no time to rest. We need to warn people before it becomes bigger" said Zane "Bigger? Bigger!? That thing in one big bite crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Serpentine Tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they're perfect"said Jay thinking it was a good idea. "Jay no that not a good idea!" Said Clover "Then what's your plan!" Shouted Jay. Clover didn't say anything because she doesn't really have a plan to stop that snake. "See! I told you there's no way we can stop that thing!" said Jay "And what? Just give up?" Said Cole "Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves. Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?" said Kai "But he's not here anymore" said Lloyd. Everyone looked sad because of what happened to their Sensei. "But his teachings live on. Sensei once told me it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had with skeletons and Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always pick himself up when he is down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now." said Kai trying to get everyone into shape for the fight of the devour. "but how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?" Ask Zane "Yeah, it's not like we have an extra Sacred Flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome Dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about out Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size. Heh, oh, we are so hooped" said Jay "Ah, Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big" said Cole "Or an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, you're a genius! You thinking what I'm thinking?" Said Kai looking at Jay lying on the ground. "Probably not, but go ahead" "There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way." said Kai already running to the direction. "Wha-Where are we going?" Said Clover "We're going to destroy that snake once and for all" said Kai

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