Chapter 5 - Changes

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Dipper found this happening every other night for a week. He found out more about Will and the Cipher family with each story Will told. Some were of his mother, some were of his father, some of his siblings and cousins. He found out that Will had two brothers, a biological sister, and an adopted sister. Will never told Mason the names of these siblings, but he never asked. Mason got a wonderful feeling with each new story. He felt as though he had been there himself. He did things for Will sometimes. If Mabel was mad, he would warn Will to hide and try to calm her down. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, but Mabel never picked up on it. 

Mason was sitting reading journal 2 in the woods when Pacifica Southeast approached him. "Uh, Mason, are you feeling okay?" She said, sitting down beside him. "I feel fine. Great even. Why do you ask?" He said, looking up from the journal. " You've been acting...weirdly nice lately." She replied. Mason had never thought of it, but she was right. He had been in a good mood all week and had been bullying Gideon less, talking to Mabel more, and even said hello to Sonya yesterday."I...didn't realize that I was." Mason said. They stared for a moment, but then they heard rustling in the trees. They looked up and saw Sonya scurrying down from the tree. "You know, Mason, I was wondering the same thing. You've been acting different." She said, sitting down in front of them. "I would like it if you didn't eavesdrop on my personal life." Mason said, more sounding annoyed than he was. The three wound up in a short conversation, which was mostly about Mason's behavioral changes. It ended when they heard a woman's voice call out:"Sonya! Come help me with dinner!" Sonya got up and ran back to her mother, Ms. Starlight. Mason had only seen Ms.Starlight a few times but never really met her, and Pacifica had met her before, but didn't know much about her still. She was a barkeep, and seemed very kind. She was also a little older than most parents of teenagers and didn't resemble her daughter in any way, which confused Dipper, but he thought that maybe Sonya just got all her looks from her father. Her father was nowhere to be seen, so that theory was never proven nor disproved. He had asked Sonya about it, but she just went pale and walked away. Well, paler.

"What?" Mason asked, noticing that Pacifica was staring at something just to his side. Mason turned his head to see what she was looking at, and almost jumped in shock. A large black bird had perched on his left shoulder. It had landed so softly and so silently that he didn't even feel it. Upon closer inspection, Dipper could tell it was a raven. Ravens were common in Oregon, but they didn't normally just sit on people's shoulders. Then again, everyone in this town was a tad strange(except, ironically, tad strange), but this was something Dipper had never heard of before, let alone had happen to him. It had beautiful blue-purple eyes and was slightly large than most ravens. It cocked its head to the side and looked Mason right in the eyes, as if it was trying to look right into his soul. And it was doing a very good job. "Wow. A Raven." Mason said, awestruck. Pacifica took a blackberry off of the bush they were sitting near and held it out to the bird. The Raven looked at it for a moment, then quickly ate it. "Hey there, little bird." She said to the raven while picking another berry. "He seems to enjoy blackberries." Mason said, watching the raven move down to his forearm. Pacifica kept feeding the beautiful bird blackberries (she and mason also ate a few), and Mason also started petting the bird after a few minutes. Eventually, the bird flew away. "Well, I guess I'll see you later. It's getting a little late." Pacifica said before walking off.

 Mason decided to walk instead of using teleportation to get home. While he did, his mind kept returning to Will. What was he doing? Where in the manor was he? Was he talking to Mira?! Would Mira tell him about the confession?! The thought terrified him. He calmed himself down when he remembered that, since he was Mira's mirror master, she physically couldn't tell his secrets. Even if she could tell, she wouldn't. He knew Mira and she was not the kind to gossip. His mind returned to the raven. When he got home, he was smiling. "What's got you so happy?"  Mira said, watching him walk in. "I saw a beautiful raven today and it landed on my shoulder." he told her. "Landed on your shoulder? That's very unusual behavior for a common raven, especially a wild one!" she said. "Well, everything is a bit strange in Gravity Falls." Mason replied. "I guess you are right. Compared to what other things you've told me in the past, this seems tame." Mira said, messing with a lock of her hair. Mira had always confused Mason. She looked...more or less like a human. She had long, curly blonde hair that always hung slightly messy around her shoulders. Her eyes were a pale grey and she was wearing a white Victorian dress. If Mason saw her in the corner of his eye, she looked normal, well, as normal as a pale woman in an old-fashioned dress could get, but when he looked directly at her, she looked...semi-transparent. She had a Victorian accent and acted loving and protective over Mason, almost like a grandmother or older sister would be. For some reason, Dipper respected her. Her ego-boosting comments felt genuine and not like flattery, which was most of what he got from other people, including his own sister. He saw her in a different light now that he knew why she was in the mirror. Like Will having a family, the thought never crossed his mind until someone had brought it up. She had a life. Family. A best friend. No, a Girlfriend.


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