Chapter 6 - Night out

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Mason was standing on the street, not talking to anyone. The amulet was in the pocket of the dark blue jacket he was wearing, next to his phone. The jacket was one he never wore in front of his family or paparazzi. His hair was brushed over the birthmark, which was unusual for him. He was also wearing dark sunglasses, almost completely hiding his eyes. In the cover of night, you would just think he was an average teenager. He did this from time to time, just to get away from people. He didn't feel like going home that night. He was still pondering his sudden attachment to Will. Then a familiar-looking boy stood by him. It was the new boy, Blake. He looked a little less sickly than he had before, with the bags under his eyes lighter and his eyes less bloodshot. But the bandages were still on his arm. "T-the moon is b-bright tonight" Blake said, looking up at the sky. 'Why is he stuttering?' Mason thought. Mason looked up and, sure enough, he was right. The moon was in it's waxing gibbous phase, and it was very bright and very beautiful. And setting in the sky. How late was it? "I guess it is...'' Mason said quietly, fearing someone around him might recognize his voice. Dipper saw Blake look up at the moon and for a second, he saw...sadness in his face. Mason started walking away into the woods. He could feel Blake staring at him. Did he recognize him? Mason kept walking. Between the trees, he could see Sonya just six yards away, and he could hear her singing a song;

"The secret

of sadness

La Luna brilla en tus ojos

La Luna

 brings both joy and sorrow

his secret is unsafe"

Was she singing in...Spanish? What did it mean? Where could she possibly have heard that song? Did she write it? Why did she write it? Why would a teenager write a song about...whatever "La Luna" was(Mason didn't understand Spanish) and secrets. Most fifteen year-old girls are more concerned about lip gloss and their waistlines than...well, thinking! Sonya looked over and Dipper quickly ducked into a bush. For just a moment, the glow of a streetlamp was directly behind her, creating a shimmering silhouette that emphasized her ghostly paleness. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt strangely afraid of her. Did she see him? The whole forest seemed to stand still for a few seconds, but then he heard her walk away, still singing the song. "Why was I scared?" Dipper said to himself. He shook it off and took out his phone to check the time. "Shit!" He said aloud. It was 3:36 AM. He still didn't feel like going home though. He got a room at a motel and slept there. He wondered if Stan, Stanford, or Mabel would even notice, let alone care.

The next day he was talking to Pacifica, who looked very confused that he was doing so. Mabel approached them and yelled "Dipper! Where have you been?! Mira said you didn't come home last night!" Dipper was shocked at the worry in her voice, though she was trying to sound angry. "You- what?" Pacifica said, even more confused. "So what if I didn't come home?! It's not like you care!" Mason snapped before storming off. He stopped in an alley across the street, shocked at his own words. It seemed that seeing the family dynamic Will had once had, Mason had been realizing how...dysfunctional his own family was. Mason hadn't seen his parents in since he was 13 (three years). "Hey Mason!" Mason turned and saw Gideon standing there. "Gideon?" He said. "The grocery store threw out a ton of candy dip! You want some?" Gideon said. "God, you are a fatass." Mason said, but they still picked up a package and started eating. It was so good, and tasted familiar. He soon found himself eating another...and another...and they finished a box together within five minutes. "This is delicious! Why do you think they were throwing it out? It's not expired." Mason said. "I heard workers talking. Apparently they ordered it by accident and it's banned in america."Gideon said. Mason stopped mid-dip and looked at the packaging. 

Das Flavör Pups


"UH, GIDEON! I THINK I KNOW WHY THEY THREW IT OUT! WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" Mason said. He looked at Gideon and saw that his pupils had dilated. Like, really dilated. He grabbed Gideon's hand and ran across the street to his sister, who was explaining something to Pacifica. "We just ate smile dip! Hospital! Now!" Mason said. He just barely saw Mabel and Pacifica look at him alarmed before everything turned to a swirl of bright colors and candy.

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