Chapter 2 - A person

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Dipper stared at Will in disbelief. "You...had a mother?" he said, confused. "Well, yes I had a mother. Everyone has some kind of creator. I had my mother and father, just like you and Mistress had your parents." Will said matter-of-factly, momentarily forgetting that Dipper could smack him for breathing wrong. He was right. It had never crossed Dipper's mind before, but Will had parents, just like anyone else. Just like you and me and him. 

"What was she like?" He said, bewildered at his own words. Will stared for a second, but continued on. "Well, I've never met anyone like her. She was kind and not quick to raise her voice at anyone. She was never distant, but let her children live their own lives. She rarely told anything more than a white lie, and sometimes not even that." Will said, his eye glazing over. Mason listened intently. He caught himself hanging onto every word as Will continued to talk about his mother. "She used to tell me and my siblings stories. Some were her own experiences, some were fairy tales." Will said. "What were the stories about?" Mason asked, not even trying to hide how much he wanted to know. "All kinds of things. Mermaids, Sirens, Kingdoms, Elves, Ogres, humans, and Ravens." Will replied. "Ravens?" Dipper asked. "Yes, Ravens. They were her favorite animal and she even hatched a few of them. Her favorite was Opal, a young female raven who liked to sleep in my room. Opal was my favorite, too." Will said, smiling a little.

They talked for hours, though they hardly noticed anything. Will told fairy tales he had heard, which sometimes got a little morbid (he was a demon after all), but Dipper didn't mind, as he had a dark sense of humor. Dipper felt, just from hearing stories, as if he had been right there, seeing it with his own eyes. While Will was talking, Mason realized something. Will was a person. He had thoughts and feelings and...and a family. And not only was Will a person, Mason couldn't stop staring at him. He saw something in him he had never seen in anyone before. Was Will's eye that blue before? Was he that pale before? Was his voice like music before they had this conversation?

The next day, Mason was walking with his sister through the woods. He wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying, as he was still contemplating his newfound feelings and realizations. Then he noticed the book Mabel was carrying. The cover was Midnight blue and the title read "Iris Sapphire's guide to spells, hexes, and potions" "That's a new book. Where did you get it?" Mason asked. "I got it from Miss Decode. I thought we could use it to freshen the act." Mabel replied. 'Miss Decode' was Mabel's adult friend. Mason had never met her, but got the impression that she was a very nice thirty-something woman who owned an antique shop in Spadetown, the town next to Gravity falls. A few weeks ago Mabel had gone over to Spadetown chasing a gnome who had stolen her magic headband and that's where she met Miss Decode. They continued walking and Mabel started singing a little tune.

Empty stare

From Sun-ken eyes

Will turn your blood to ice

You know not

The full weight of

The atrocities that you've done

"Did you hear that from Miss Decode, too?" Mason asked. "No. I actually heard it from Sonya. I heard her singing it in the woods yesterday. I don't know what it means or why she was singing it, but I like it." Mabel said. "Thank you, I wrote it myself." A female voice from the trees said. Sonya Starlight, a girl around their age, dropped from the tree and stood before them. Her messy shoulder-length dark red hair was matted with dirt, and her Tiffany blue jacket and black jeans had a small amount of dirt on them, as always. She was pale, slender and agile and actually quite beautiful, but no one who didn't like her(most gravity falls residents) would ever admit that. She moved silently like a wraithlike goddess unless she made herself heard, and always spoke quietly unless she was upset. She came across as inexplicably creepy to a lot of people, though Dipper wouldn't see it till later on. "Hey, Sonya." Mason said, annoyance in his voice. Sonya would always try and talk to the Gleeful Twins as if they were her friends, which they were not. At least, that was what the twins told themselves. "So, Mabeline, I heard you go a new magic book." Sonya said, walking beside them. "Well, yes. You can only do the same set of tricks so many times before it starts to get dry." Mabel said. "I don't think your act is dry." Sonya said. Sonya was always causally nice to them. She also bought tickets to nearly every show they put on. "Sonya, could you please go away? We don't want to be seen talking to you." Mabel said, harshly. If Sonya was aware of how rudely Mabel had just spoken to her, she didn't show any sign of it. replied "Okay, Mabel. If you need me, I'm gonna climb that tree." With that, she walked into the woods where said tree was and disappeared into the foliage.

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