Chapter 7 - Vision

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Mason came home from the hospital that night with Mabel. His uncles didn't even bother to show up. He was still a little woozy after coming down from the smile dip high, so Mabel held his arm. When they walked in, Will saw them. "Master? Mistress? What happened?" he said. "I ate candy from an alley and tripped on acid." Mason said. "Okay..."was Will's only response. Again, Mason was still kinda high. When he got to his room, he saw Mira in the mirror playing with a lock of her curly blonde hair, and she looked up when she heard the door open. "Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" She shouted, sounding both angry and concerned, pressing her palms against the mirror glass from inside. "I had a night out. I didn't feel like coming back, so I stayed out." Dipper said. He looked out the window and jumped back in surprise and fear. Sonya was in the tree outside his window, casually lounging on a branch like she did this everyday.(She did seem like she'd had a lot of practice...) "Sonya?! How long have you been there?!" He yelled, jerking the window open. "Long enough to know I wasn't seeing things in the woods last night, and also you talk to your mirror." She said nonchalantly, not even acknowledging that she was nearly three stories off the ground. She jumped off the tree and onto Dipper's window frame, scaring him greatly. "Sonya, this is how a lot of porn starts-" "Just listen." She said, annoyed. "I knew this would happen, pretty boy. You'd eventually get sick of being followed by paparazzi and having to uphold a good reputation. I think you have potential, so I'm gonna cut you a deal. You run with me, and I give you the night of your life." She said, holding out her hand. He considered, but then turned away. "I...can't." he said. Sonya dropped her hand, looking disappointed. "Suit yourself." She said, shrugging. She jumped back into the tree, and just before climbing down, looked back at Dipper. "Offer is always open." Then she started down the tree, jumping down three branches at a time, effectively freaking Dipper out.

Dipper walked around the mansion, trying to clear his head, both of Sonya, and of the LSD. He quietly opened a door, and saw Will cleaning. He rarely saw Will pulled up to his full height, as his knees always shook with fear around Dipper and Mabel. Demons were naturally taller in stature than humans, and it shocked the twins when they saw that Will's full height was eight inches taller than them. A demon's features looked like a blend of human and animal, with the amount of humanoid and animalistic attributes varied between species of demon, but dream demons typically resembled pale humans with pointed ears and a greater number of canine fangs. Will was no exception, as he had sharp teeth that looked like he could cut his tongue on, but he never did. Checking to see if they were alone (they were), Mason entered the room. Mason asked Will to tell him a story, and Will told him of a time when his older younger sister ate a live serpent and both she and the serpent somehow survived, only for his sister to eat it again, this time permanently. Dipper liked the stories of Will's siblings the most. He got the feeling of the family dynamic he craved from them. Then they heard a sudden screech of metal from the vents, which caught them off guard. They heard footsteps coming fast down the hall and Mabel entered the room. "What was that?!" she said. "I don't know! Maybe something got stuck in the vent?" Mason said. They all stood there for a minute, wondering.

The next day, Mason was sitting in his room after a show when Mabel entered. "Today a black bird landed on Candy's shoulder and started pecking at her." She said, sitting on Mason's bed next to him. Mason looked up. "What?" he said. "A black bird landed on Candy's shoulder and started pecking her. I took a picture, look." She said, pulling out her phone. It showed a very...familiar looking bird pecking at a distressed Candy. "That's not just a black bird. It's a raven." Stan said, scaring the twins. His experience in magic made him seem to appear from nowhere. "A raven?" Mabel asked. "It looks odd though. It appears to be full grown, yet it's eyes are still partly blue." Stan said. "Get out of my room. Both of you. Now." Mason said, annoyed. They got out of his room. He sat there for a moment, thinking. Why did that raven attack Candy, but left him and Pacifica be? He looked out the window again, and saw a few bird fly by. A medium-sized red one, a small yellow one, and a raven. Not the raven they had been discussing(this one had brown eyes), but a raven. He went down to the park to get some air. "Hey Mason. Have you seen Blake? I haven't seen him all day and he hasn't answered his phone." Gideon said. "No, I haven't. Have you asked his parents?" Dipper said. "We don't have his address." Pacifica said. "Gravity Falls is a small town. He can't be far." Mason said. Suddenly, Dipper had a feeling. A hellish second sight. He didn't know exactly what Blake was doing, but he knew that Blake was in his house, hearing the calls and texts but doing nothing. Sometimes his physic abilities acted up like this. It always freaked him out. He didn't know if it happened to Mabel or anyone else, or if it was unique to him. Pacifica must've seen the look on his face, because she turned to him and said "Mason, is something wrong?". "Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine..." He said, turning away from her gaze. He walked away into the woods, while Gideon and Pacifica watched him, looking concerned.

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