Chapter 10 - Raids

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The next day at the park, a familiar boy sat down next to Mason on the bench. It took him a second, but then Mason realised...It was BLAKE. He looked horrible. The bags under his eyes were even heavier and he looked even thinner and a little pale. His hair was messy and one got the uneasy feeling he would break if he fell over. "Blake? Is that you?" Mason said, not even trying to hide his shock. "Yeah...hey..."Blake said, his voice sounding slightly hoarse. "Is something wrong?" Mason asked. Blake hesitated. "I'm fine..."He said, getting up from the bench. He walked away into the woods as if looking for something. Mason quietly followed behind him. He ducked behind a tree when Blake looked back. Mason waited there for a moment. He peeked around the tree. He saw someone standing there with Blake. Sonya? Blake had taken of his jacket and Sonya was wrapping bandages around his left forearm. Mason knew why he kept it covered. On his forearm, there was a deep, dark scar of a large wolf bite. Dipper covered his mouth hoping they wouldn't hear his gasp. No wonder he kept it hidden...But why did Sonya know? Mason used his magic to teleport back to his room in Gleeful Manor. "Master? Are you okay?" Mira's familiar voice sounded from the mirror. Mason was going to tell her, but then Mabel walked into his room. "Dipper...I want you to meet Miss Decode. Come on." She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. 'I guess I'm going to Spadetown...' Mason thought.

Mabel brought Dipper to a quaint antique store with a sign displayed in silver lettering above the twin doors.

Idella Decode's Antiques

Pawn and Buy

Mabel opened the doors, still dragging Dipper behind her. A bell rang within the shop as they entered. The walls were lined with shelves of various objects. Books, porcelain dolls, mirrors, paintings. "Sorry, we're closed- oh, hello." A woman who was dusting a birdcage said, turning to them midway through her sentence. The woman was tall, about 6"3", and if someone told you she was anywhere over 34 you probably wouldn't believe them. She had glossy black hair down to her stomach but not reaching her waist. She was wearing an amethyst purple dress just past her knees and black leggings with midnight purple boots. And on her face, she had a black veil just past her nose, covering her eyes. "Oh! Mabel! I was just thinking about you. I see you brought a friend." The woman(who Dipper could assume was Miss Decode) put down the feather duster and approached them, giving Mabel a gentle hug. "You must be Dipper. Mabel has told me a lot about you." Miss Decode said. "I've heard a lot about you as well." Dipper said, mesmerized. This woman looked familiar. She sounded familiar. Had he seen her before? "Dipper, this is the Marvelous Miss Decode!" Mabel said, rocking back and forth on her heels. She sounded joyful, almost giddy. Dipper hadn't seen her so happy in a long time. Miss Decode giggled. "Oh, May Belle. You and your compliments." Miss Decode said, walking behind Mabel and putting her hair in a loose bun like a grandmother would to her granddaughter. Dipper was surprised. Mabel was not known for handing out complements (or letting anyone touch her hair). "So, I heard you have magic just like your sister." Miss Decode said. "Yes. I do." Dipper said, feeling a bit more comfortable. This woman was very...genial...Motherly...In the half hour they were there, Miss Decode showed Dipper the parental affection he'd been craving for weeks. He was a little sad when they had to leave, but Mabel started singing a tune that made it melt away.

"Down the road and across the creek

Can't get a letter

But once a week

Ida Red

Ida Blue

I got stuck on Ida, too! "

Before long they were singing together. They stopped at a diner to eat and continued to hum the song. When they got home that night they were feeling merry. Though when they got home, Dipper's mind drifted again. Mason stayed in his room for a few minutes before he worked up the courage to ask Will what happened to his family. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the smashing of glass. Yelling. A man barking orders.

Someone was breaking in.

No, not someone, a group. Mabel flung open the door with Will beside her, both looking terrified. Mabel dragged they boys up to the attic while Mason dialed 911. They stayed in there for five minutes waiting for the police to come. Five long, terrifying minutes. Sounds of smashing downstairs, clearly looking for something but having no idea where "it" was. Will covered his mouth to hide the sounds of his sobs. Making sure Mabel wasn't looking, Dipper put his hand over Will's free hand. He could tell Will was looking at him, but Dipper didn't make eye contact. Will calmed down a little, but only a little.

The next day Dipper was walking in the woods again when Sonya came running out towards him. "Dipper! I'm so glad your okay!" She said, hugging him. Her hair was messy, her eyes had bags under them, and she overall looked as though she hadn't slept well. "Yeah..." he said as he pushed her away. "I saw what happened yesterday. I knew it was bound to happen. You can't just have a demon out in public like that and expect to be left alone!" Sonya said. "What?" Dipper said. "You don't know? Dipper, your house wasn't robbed. It was raided. By demon hunters." Sonya said, staring right into his soul like the purple-eyed raven. "D-demon hunters?" Dipper said, shocked. "Yes. Lucky for you, it's illegal in Gravity Falls it hunt down non-violent demons like William, but you could have been killed mercilessly. I recognized the clan, and those hunters would kill a baby if they thought it had connections to witchcraft." Sonya said. Mason pushed his hair out of his face and tried to catch his breath. They had been looking for Will. They had wanted to kill Will. His demon. His love.  The realization that he loved Will made the panic worse. "Dipper, calm down. Is something wrong?" Sonya said. "We'll um...I need a minute...let's talk about it later..." Dipper said,  hurrying away. Sonya stood there staring at him with her bright green eyes. She made sure he wasn't there anymore. Out of sight and out of earshot. She reached inside her inner jacket pocket and pulled something small and circular out. She pressed it against her forehead, closed her eyes and whispered "One day."

  Mason teleported back to his room and buried his face in his hands. "What is wrong with me? Get it together!" Mason said as he started pacing. "Master? What's wrong?" Mira said. "Shut up! I'm Fine!" Mason snapped. "But you-" "I SAID SHUT UP!" Mason yelled as he threw journal 3 at the mirror. It collided just a few inches left of the center and shattered where it hit. Mira jerked away from the spot it hit, looking like she was in pain. Not pained, in pain. Mason realised what he had done. She was embedded in the mirror. He hadn't broken the mirror, he had hurt Mira. She looked at him with fear in her eyes, like Will did when he was about to start bawling. "I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." Mason said, unable to look at Mira. He sat on his bed and tried to gather his thoughts, which felt like they were spinning out of all control. Raid, Love, Mira...Blake and Sonya. Blake and Sonya had some kind of secret between them. If Blake was new to town, why did he trust Sonya enough to show her a scar he kept covered around everyone else? Maybe they liked each other? That can't be right, he thought. Mason had seen the way female and gay fans looked at him a thousand times, and he had never seen anything close to that look on Sonya's face before directed towards anyone before, except for once for a split second, and that was towards...never mind. Then his mind returned to the question, What had happened to Will's family? they had to be somewhere. He worked up the courage to look Will in the eyes(a shot of bourbon helped) and went to the library to ask him. "Will, I have a question." Dipper said. "What is it, master?" Will said, turning around to face him. Dipper felt sick and slightly mad when he got a good look at all of Will's bruises. "What happened to your family?" Dipper said, standing in front of Will. Will hesitated. He looked sad, almost ready to cry. 

"I don't know exactly." Will said, looking down. "Our house was...raided by demon hunters. My dad was shot first, in the stomach. My sister got scared and ran away. My mother took me and my brothers and told my oldest brother to watch over us and our littlest sister and I haven't seen her since. I later got separated from my remaining family and now I'm here." Will said, tears welling up in his eyes. "I...I had no idea..." Dipper said. He wiped Will's tears. "M-Master?" Will said, confused. Mason didn't look at him. He teleported back to his room.

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