Chapter 3 - A new face and a quiet confession

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"What a dirty little beetle." Mabel said, not even bothering to make sure Sonya was out of earshot. "Uh-huh." Mason replied, his head still halfway in the clouds. With Sonya gone, his mind had returned to Will. Mabel continued to sing the pretty tune as they left the woods and walked out into a park. Mason saw the little albino boy, Gideon Pines, playing Frisbee with Pacifica Southeast and a boy he had never seen before. Mabel continued on while Dipper stopped to watch. Looking at him, Mason wondered how the boy had the strength to get of bed in the morning, let alone play Frisbee. He was underweight, had bags under his eyes, and generally looked unwell. He was very tall, about three and a half inches taller than Pacifica. He was wearing a baggy white T-shirt, dark red pants, no shoes, and his left forearm was bandaged. His hair was auburn, his right eye was the same color as the grass, and his left eye was a light blue. "Hey Mason!" Gideon called out, running towards him. Mason had always found it strange that, even though he bullied him, Gideon always greeted him with happiness, just as he did everyone else. "Hey little twerp." Dipper said. "So, you're Mason Gleeful?" The tall boy said, holding the Frisbee. "Who are you?" Mason asked. "This is Blake. He's new in town." Said Pacifica, walking up to the group. She always barely tolerated Mason's bullying, so he rarely did it in front of her. They did some brief conversation with Blake. A few thing about him, and a little about his three sisters. Gideon and Pacifica did some of the talking for Blake though, but Blake didn't seem to mind.

Mason then walked home, his thoughts returning to Will. For some reason, no matter how much he tried to think about other things, he kept wandering into Dipper's mind. "What is wrong with me?" He said to himself. He went into his room and shut the door. He walked to his mirror and sighed. "What is troubling you, Master?" The cool voice in his mirror said. The figure of a pale young woman appeared next to Dipper in the mirror. He didn't look back, for he knew she was only in the mirror by now. "I don't know entirely, Mira." He said, for he was willing to tell Mira but not Mabel, at least part of the story. He knew Mira's magical loyalty to him would not allow her to gossip. "I...I noticed someone last night, and now I can't stop thinking about them." he whispered to the mirror, terrified someone may be eavesdropping. "Oo! What's her name?"  Mira asked, intrigued. Mason sat in silence for a few seconds, partly to think, partly to listen if he could hear breathing outside the door. "His name." he whispered to the mirror, so quietly he could barely hear himself.

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