Red and Purple

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Huey's POV

"No! Webby and I are on the same team!" Dewey yelled at Louie. Webby stood in between them, looking frantically at both of my brothers.

"Guys, calm down! Lena and Violet need partners as well!" Webby tried to break the death glare between Dewey and Louie, but their eyes stayed locked on each other.

"You always get Webby! Give someone else a chance!" Louie yelled, stepping closer to Dewey.

"Because we are a perfect team! You would just make Webby do all the work!" Dewey hissed, also taking a step forward.

"Guys!" I barked, making everyone look over to me. "Break it up! Louie is with Lena, I'll take Violet." Louie glared at Dewey once more before walking over to Lena.

"Take me? Like I'm a toy?" Violet folded her arms, looking at me. 

"What?! No! I-I didn't mean it like that!" I backed up, trying to look anywhere but her gorgeous blue eyes. But her stare forced me to look at her... why is this happening? I need to check the JWG immediately! What if I'm sick or something?

"Hey, nerds! Get out of the way!" Two beagles pushed pass up, forcing us backward. I landed softly in the grass beneath me and watched them walk off, laughing while doing so. Why couldn't they just say "excuse me" or "watch it". Force isn't the way of life!

"You two okay?" I looked back, seeing Violet being helped up by Louie. Dewey held his hand out to me, and I grabbed it grimly.

"Yea we're fine," Violet said, brushing some dirt off of her shirt. "let's go. We don't want to be late." Violet walked with Louie in front of me, Dewey, Lena, and Webby. Louie sounded like he was... laughing? But at what? Is Violet telling him a joke? Should I go up there?

"Attention competitors! This is the 3rd annual paintball competition! Let's go over some rules before I introduce last year's winners! First of all, traps are allowed. Second, no cross teaming! Third, you must be in a male-female duo! No boys with boys! And lastly, and most importantly, have fun!" The duck smiled at all of us as we clapped. I looked over to my side, but Dewey and Webby weren't there. Lena, Louie, and Violet seemed unfazed by this, but they possibly haven't noticed. Where could they run off to?

"Now," I turned my attention back to the announcer. "here are our winners from last year!" Everyone's eyes averted to a red curtain. As the curtain opened, I slowly looked over to see the crew's reaction. Louie, Lena, and even Violet all looked shocked, and I probably looked exactly like them! "Dewey Duck and Webby Vanderquack!" Both of them waved out to the crowd, their smiles huge. How did- when did... what? How!

"Thank you all for coming to this competition!" Dewey took the microphone from the announcer. "Please follow all the rules, because if you don't, you will not be allowed back next year." And with one final wave, they walked off stage.

"Get ready... get set..." I looked over to Violet, who had her eyes on me. We nodded, then looked back to the announcer. "Go!" Violet grabbed my hand and pulled me off. We had to find guns that were spread out through the forest, so that was our first goal. Next was survival.

"Grab that gun!" Violet shouted, pointing towards a black paintball gun hidden behind a tree. I grabbed it and raced back towards Violet.

"So, what's our plan?" I asked while making sure the gun was fully loaded.

"Attack. Destroy. Win." Violet said without batting an eyelash. 

"Ok, I get that. But why don't we look at my JWG? We can use it to figure out a plan that will help us win!" I pulled the book out from under my hat, holding it out to her. She took it, reading through some of the pages.

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