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20 years old

20 days till Valentines Day

Dewey's POV

"I didn't mean it!" I begged, pounding on Webby's door. 

"I saw you! She kissed you and you kissed her back!" Webby yelled, her voice a mix of sadness and anger.

"Please, Webs, I didn't mean it! I love you! Don't you trust me?" She opened her door. Her normal happy expression was gone, replaced with tear stains and red eyes.

"I used to trust you." Her voice was emotionless. I took a step back, looking at her with shock. But that shock was quickly replaced with anger. 

"Fine! We're done!" I got my promise ring off my finger, throwing it at her feet. Before she could respond, I took off, down mansion halls, to my old room. I slammed the door, the impact making the door and wall around it shake. Louie, sitting on his old bed, jumped, almost dropping his phone.

"Dewey! Don't slam the door!" Huey yelled, glaring at me from his bed. Then his eyes softened as he looked at me. "Dewey?" Before Huey could get down from his bed, I started to cry, the sobs shaking my entire body.

"What's wrong?" Louie was at my side in an instant. I shook my head, unable to speak.

"Just breathe, let it all out." Huey rubbed my shoulder. After a couple minutes, I could breathe and speak again.

"Webby and I... we broke up." Huey's and Louie's eyes widened, both sharing a look of shock.

"You two have been together for longer than I remember! What happened?" Louie asked, folding his arms.

"Well... you know May?" Huey and Louie nodded. "I don't know, she kissed me. At the park. And I guess Webby had come to surprise me and saw it. And yea, I kissed her back, but only for a second!"

"Ok, so you kissed another girl. Big deal, why didn't you just tell Webby you didn't mean to?" Louie asked. Louie doesn't do love, he is more of a solo act. I think he had two girlfriends, but that's about it. He doesn't really know anything about this. Huey, on the other hand, was with Violet, Webby's other friend. I really hope our relationship doesn't affect their relationship.

"I did, but then she said she didn't trust me. I threw my promise ring at her after that." I said, looking at the place where the ring had sat for so long. How would it feel every morning to wake up and not put it on?

"Well, if she doesn't trust you, then she doesn't deserve you," Louie said, shaking his head.

"Well..." I looked at Huey. "did you lead May on? Maybe she thought you liked her and that's why she kissed you." Huey shrugged.

"I don't know! I didn't think that hanging out with her sometimes meant leading her on!" I shook my head, walking towards my bed. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. I don't know, I'm not good at this whole love thing!" I flopped on my bed, throwing my head into my pillow. I heard a phone ring, but didn't even look up.

"It's May." I looked up, seeing Louie looking down at my phone. Huey was gone, not even in the room anymore. "If Webby doesn't trust you, then you deserve better. Talk to her." He held out my phone to me. I grabbed it, and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Dewey!" May's cheerful voice came through the phone. "Do you want to hang out?" I looked at Louie, who had been listening. He gave me a nod and a thumbs up.

"Yea, I'd love to May."

Webby's POV

"Webbigail?" I peaked my head up from my bed, seeing Violet and Lena standing at the door. 

"Guys..." I started, but then the tears spilled out. Violet ran up to me, trying to soothe my sobs. Lena stood by, watching me.

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