Don't Give Up On Me

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Huey's POV

14 years old

"Oh come on Louie, it's just one more adventure!" I rolled my eyes at my younger brother. He had recently been getting much more stubborn, and it was getting on Dewey's and my nerves.

"I don't want to..." Louie held his head down, dragging his feet behind me. Scrooge and Donald were in the lead, with Dewey and Webby right on their tails.

"Everyone keep your eyes sharp, we don't know what could be in this jungle!" Donald barked from ahead, turning his head to look at all of us. Dewey and Webby nodded, then went back to whispering. I nodded, looking around the jungle. It was disturbingly quiet, not even a cricket chirping.

"Hold up!" Scrooge raised his cane up, signaling us to stop. I stopped, trying to see what the hold up was. Louie stood next to me, also looking at Scrooge. "It's too dangerous to go this way! Let's go back to the plane and find a different route." He walked past us and we followed, Donald keeping up the rear.

"Or we could just not go on this dangerous adventure and go home." Louie mumbled, kicking some stones in our path. I looked at him, studying him. He was more hunched over than usual and he seemed exhausted. Could he be sick?

"Webby!" I looked behind me at Dewey's yell. Dewey was holding onto Webby's hand, and Webby was struggling to keep hold. I ran up to them, grabbing Webby's other hand. Louie grabbed me, pulling me back so I could grab Webby. Donald grabbed Dewey and we all pulled till Webby was far from the hole.

"What happened?" Scrooge asked after checking that everyone was okay.

"I don't know, I just stepped and the ground gave out from underneath me!" Webby looked back at the hole, a look of concern plastered on her face.

"This ground is dangerous, we need to get back before anything else bad happens!" Scrooge started walking quickly, in the direction of the plane. "Everyone pair up, if one of us falls through, we need someone to be able to grab them." Donald and Scrooge paired up, walking behind us. Webby and Dewey paired up, leaving me and Louie to pair up. All of us walked silently and quickly back towards the plane.

We were about 10 feet away from the plane, but then I heard a snap from underneath me. I felt Louie slip, and I grabbed his hand, trying to keep my own balance. I looked at everyone behind me, but they were all either struggling to get back up, or were trying to help their partners. Louie looked at me with frantic eyes as he clawed the ground, trying to get back up.

"Dewey!" My head snapped to where Donald was trying to reach for Dewey and Webby. Scrooge got up, running towards them. He grabbed Webby's hand while Donald grabbed Dewey's. Instead of catching his breath, Dewey ran over to me, grabbing Louie's other hand.

"Pull! Pull!" I shouted, and Dewey and I backed up in sync. But the ground beneath us was cracking and becoming more unstable by the second.

"Lads! I'm sorry! Leave him!" I looked with shocked eyes at Scrooge. How could he expect us to leave our brother?!

"No way! I'm not losing my only little brother!" Dewey yelled from beside me. The ground surrounding us was crumbling, pieces of falling into the dark void below. Suddenly, Louie's weight became much heavier. With wide eyes, I looked to my side, seeing Dewey holding his arm, while also trying to stay up.

"Huey! Leave, go!" Louie shook his head at me.
"It's not worth all of us dying!" I looked at Louie, then Dewey, then back at Louie.

"I'm not leaving you!" I heard a scream from Dewey, and looked down to see him not there. The ground beneath me let out, forcing me and Louie down into the dark void. Louie grabbed onto me as we fell, his eyes closed tightly.

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