First Christmas

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11 years old

Dewey's POV

"Guys!" I shook Huey, trying to wake him up. "We need to make this the best Christmas for mom! She hasn't been here for years and it needs to be perfect!" Huey rubbed his eyes, yawning. I heard Louie grumbling.

"Five more minutes... or hours..." Louie said in a sleepy tone. I looked down, watching him pull his green covers over his head.

"Don't you dare Llewelyn!" I jumped down from Huey's bed, onto the ground next Louie's bed. I grabbed his hand, dragging him from out underneath his covers. He groaned, trying to pull himself away. Huey was now sitting on his bed, watching us fight.

"Dewey's right and I don't say that often." I stuck my tongue out at a grinning Huey. "We need to make this Christmas special for mom."

"Ugh, fineee. But don't expect me to be bouncing off the walls with excitement." Louie stood up, still glaring at me.

"One, you never are excited, two, do you have any ideas, Huey? You are the party planner after all." I looked to my older brother, who was already looking through his JWG.

"Well, we could decorate the tree with mom first. Then have Christmas lunch, and open presents after that if Scrooge even lets us." Huey suggested, closing his book. He hopped down from his bed, going to our closest.

"Actually..." They both looked at me. "remember that time I told you I time traveled?" They both nodded, confused looks on their faces. "What if we go out and camp out for Santa! It would remind mom of her childhood!" Huey grinned, excitement on his face.

"Yes! Good thinking Dewey! Let's go search the garage, after we change, for supplies! We'll need a tent, food, a match so it'll be easier to light a fire, a" Huey started listing off everything we needed, tossing our sweaters at us while doing so. Louie and I let him go off, knowing that we would at least be prepared for anything nature threw at us.

"Ok, let's go!" Louie said once Huey had finished his year-long speech and we had all changed. We all snuck through the halls, trying to make limited noise. Once we reached the garage, I quietly closed the door behind us. Huey flipped on the lights, revealing a semi-open garage. Since Scrooge had put everything in a museum, there were no dangerous toys in here. I mean, there was some magical stuff like weird orbs in a variety of colors like purple, red, and yellow, but they didn't look they could hurt us!

"Ok, I made you both a list of things," Huey handed Louie and me separate pieces of paper. "because I know for a fact you didn't listen to me earlier. Let's find everything then meet back by the door when we're done. Try to make no noise, we don't want mom to stomp in here and ruin the surprise." All of us nodded and headed off in separate directions. I looked down my list, noting that I had to find a tent, some matches, and 5 sleeping bags. I walked around, immediately spotting a huge tent. As I approached it, I smiled a little. It was the exact same one mom had used when she was about 10.

I grabbed the tent and kept going. Old toys were sitting on the shelves, some broken and some with rust on them. I picked one up, seeing it was a Rubix cube. The colors were faded now, but you could tell it had been solved, long before I had been born. Uncle Donald and mom had grown up here and used all this, and I had never taken the time to appreciate my luck to be here as well. Uncle Donald did so much for us, even after losing his sister. And mom worked every day to get back to us... we owed both of them so much.

I spotted the sleeping bags, and grabbed all 5 of them, balancing them so I could hold the tent and all of the sleeping bags. Then I found the matches and made my way back to the door. Louie and Huey were already standing there.

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