episode 6

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Getting downstairs I find mum busy spreading some butter on my toast. A cup of coffee on the table and an empty plate on my table.
Leo_ morning mum, how was your night?
Mum_ Oooh my little baby morning. It was awesome. How was your night?
Leo_ cool too. Can't remember the last time I slept this good.
Mum_ come have your breakfast. Meanwhile I heading somewhere today. You know I'm opening a fast food restaurant tomorrow.
Leo_ wow that's cool, but why food. I thought you were more interested in your banking business. Why the sudden change? I asked bitting into my toast.
Mum_ you know son life is full of variety. You gotta choose what you really feel is right.
Leo_ so I was thinking is there gonna be like a party, bash or something?
Mum just smiles and takes her seat close to mine. I watch her sip her coffee before she clearing her throat.
Mum_ yeah sure darling. you know what I think it would be better you invite some of your friends at school over. You know teens love fast food alot. It's gonna make my business boom through too.
Leo_ yeah sure I'd have Kelvin do that. and also he's coming over today.
Mum_ well you guys have a nice day. I'm off to work and hey you're getting your own car soon. But for now you'd ride with Ade.
Walking over to where she was standing trying to put her jacket on I just give her a hug.
Leo_ you're the best. Good luck getting that contract signed.
Mum_awwww my baby is finally growing up. She cooed as I watched her step into her car.
Leo_ bye. M..um.
Smiling to myself I just walk over to my table and try finishing my breakfast. Once done I wrap the excess in a ziplock and keep it in the fridge. It might be enough for me, but I just can't waste it. I'd probably give it to the stray dog in the estate
Picking up my phone I check my messages and still Emma hasn't responded to any yet.
The knock at the door has me rushing over to see who it was. Staring through my computer I see Busola by the door with Kelvin and a girl who I was yet to be introduced to
Putting on my mask I immediately opened up
Kelvin_ like seriously man wtf you didn't tell me you guys were next door neighbor.
Busola_ hey Leonardo.
Leo_ hey there please do come in.
Opening the door ajar I watched them come in before shutting it permanently.
Kelvin_ this is Susan, Susan meet Leonardo.
Susan_ hey there handsome nice meeting you.
Shaking her hanging hands I'm surprised by how soft they felt on mine. She had these beautiful small eyes. She was also beautiful with a defined shape. But I noticed she was kinda shy when ever I looked her direction.
Busola seemed to be lost feasting her eyes on the paintings on the wall
Kelvin was already snacking on my Cheerios.
Kelvin_ what!! Nah only you like better thing?
Leo_ so mm is opening a new restaurant tomorrow.
Kelvin_ omoh na party ooh
Leo_ yeah whatever, so I need your help. I mean all the help I can get
Busola_ what are we working on?
Leo_ I need friends to come over. Don't have any except you guys.
Busola_ that's not a problem cause Kelvin here is a party crasher. He'd get them there.
Kelvin_ yeah I'm crash kid. He said with a mouthful of Cheerios.
Susan_ is that you?
Leo_yeah and that's my brother Alex, my best friend Amie and dad.
Susan_ Alex is so cute, so when do I get to meet him in person.
Leo_ well it's not possible. He's not coming back, so is Dad. The thing is that we got into an accident. My brother and dad were burnt to death.
Susan_ ooh my I'm so sorry  Leo I didn't mean to bring back old memories.
Leo_ no it's okay. I'm over it now.
Busola_ is that why you keep wearing the mask, because you also got burnt.
Leo_yeah had surgery for it too.
Kelvin_ so why are you still wearing a mask?
Leo_ cause of the sun.
Susan_ you silly we're indoor. She said punching my arm.
Yeah was about going outside before you guys came in.
Taking it off i see the surprised look on Kelvin and Susan's faces.
Kelvin_ dude is that your real face? He asked poking my face.
Susan_ ooh my goosh you're so.....
Busola_ hey, hey! no fainting here. As she tried to bring Susan out of her puzzled state.
Putting on my head warmer I take my seat with them on the dinning table and we begin to draw our guess list.
Susan_ 60 guest total
Leo_ that's cool. Thanks guys
Susan_dont mention.
Kelvin_ let's the party begin
Susan_ouch time flies so fast. I'd see you at school tomorrow. Bye Leonardo
Leo_ bye. Wait can I walk you to the door.
Susan_ uuhm yeah sure. She said smiling.

Susan_ it was nice getting to know you and see where you live. Bye
Leo_ yeah sure. Bye

I watched as her car zoomed away before walking back inside.
I found Kelvin busy playing my video game and Busola was no where in sight.
Her phone was lying on the couch and soon it starts ringing.
Walking over I stop dead track at seeing my photo on the screen .
Now it all made sense.
Leo_ wait a minute I only sent this photo to Emma way back in New York. So that means B is Emma and the location tracker was right all along. When she told me she was going for a swim I guess the girl I saw in the pool was her.
Suddenly someone touches me making me flinch for a moment.
Busola_ what are you doing with my phone Leo?
Raising the phone to her face she's surprised.
Leo_ Emma?
Busola_ chipmunk. She called out fiddling with her fingers.
Leo_ it was you the whole time. Like I mean. Jeeze. B you're Emma?
Busola_ yeah I am Emma. Sorry I had t.....
I couldn't let her finish her statement as I pull her into a big hug.
Leo_ how could I have been clueless. You were here all the time. I've really craved to see you and touch you. I said wiping the tears which were slowly streaming down her eyes.
Busola_ I wanted to tell you so many times. But I couldn't find the courage to do so I'm so sorry I kept this from you.
Leo_ you know what that doesn't matter. What matters now is that I've finally met you in person and I'm not letting go.
Kelvin_ ooh my why does it sound like a reunion between lovers?
Cause it is. We both chorused smiling at one another.
Kelvin_well you guys have fun. I'm going home now. See you at school tomorrow. Bye B.
Busola_ bye Kelvin. She waved back as we sat in the living room watching as Kelvin drove off heading for home.
Leo_ want to see my room?
Busola_ yeah sure I'd love that.
Stretching out my hands to her I watched as she slowly put hers in mine.
Her smile quite ravishing. Her eyes full of emotions. I Never want to let go of her hands. Not now, or never.

Finally love birds get to see each other.
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