My Prayers Answer

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     Shen Wei is an emperor of his kingdom everything  that he wants he gets.  Anyone who dared oppose him their heads will roll immediately.

    But eventhough Shen Wei have power, wealth, beauty, many concubines, still his not satisfied. As he prayed to the dragon god to give him a lover that will satisfy him. A lover that would love and won't betray him and most of all good in bed as well.

    The dragon god favored Shen Wei to anybody else for he have a secret, that no one knows about. Shen Wei is his real son from the empress back then. When the old emperor is away. He woe the beautiful empress in persuading her to be his lover. That bare a child which is now the new emperor, Shen Wei.

    "Dragon god! Please give me a lover that will be beside me,love me and cherish me even I loose my power!" He beg. The dragon god laugh, "My son.... I mean emperor! I have given you everything! A kingdom, power, wealth and many concubines! Why do you need a lover? Anyway?! Do they not satisfied you! Their beautiful and handsome and wealthy! What else do you want?!" He ask.

    "Love! And most of all good in bed! My concubine don't satisfied me! As I turned they all betray me and laugh at my back! They thought I didn't know it! I have many loyal spies here and they told me everything!" Said Shen Wei.

    The dragon god frown, "Okay! I'm gonna give you what you want! But for this one you must keep him forever! For his very loyal and loving! If you break his heart! I will punish you!" Said the dragon god.

     Shen Wei looked puzzle on him but he agree for his so eager to get a lover who will truly love him.

    In the present, Zhao Yunlan is a mechanical engineer just got out from his job and rode his motorbike to go home with his loving father Xin ci and his Didi Xen xen

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    In the present, Zhao Yunlan is a mechanical engineer just got out from his job and rode his motorbike to go home with his loving father Xin ci and his Didi Xen xen. At the age of thirty he still don't have a girlfriend or a lover. He believes that its unnecessary. For he have lots of responsibility.

    First his father cannot work anymore for his paralyzed and his Didi is still in college studying medicine. His mother already dead when they were young leaving him with his father and Didi to taken care off. Sometimes his father worried for him for he didn't have any family if he died. But Yunlan just set it aside being a good son he will tell him.

    "Dad! Don't die yet until you have a grandchild from me!" As he joking said. "Don't joke around me like that!" Said his father. For Xin ci  also have a secret. The mother of Yunlan and Xen xen is still alive but she's a goddess and needs to leave them for he cannot stay with her family and needed to go back to her home in heaven.

     Xin ci never told his children that for they might hate their mother for leaving them as she didn't help his father who became paralyzed because of overworked that went to have a heart attack.

    While Yunlan ridding in motorbike in the rode a lightning suddenly appeared flashing before his eyes. As he lost conciouse and was transport to the kingdom of Shen Wei.

    Yunlan woke up in a big coldron as he take a peek on where he is. He was shocked to see himself in ancient China.  Many guards pointed their spear in Yunlan almost making him shocked.

    "Is this a filmed or something? Is this a t.v show?" He ask. Then suddenly Shen Wei emerge at the back of royal guards. As he inspect Yunlan  and cup his face. "Not bad! But maybe the beared will be taking it off. Yunlan was shocked seeing  a beautiful man wearing an ancient Chinese clothes. But his ogling break when he heard his beard will be taken off. He shoved Shen Wei hands.

    "Who are you?! Taking off my beared?! Is this a kidnapped?! Look pal I don't have money! I'm just an ordinary employee of a company!" As he was about to get out of the coldron. He saw himself naked and became red.

    "Where's my clothes!?!" He shout as he blocked Shen Wei view from him with his hands. Well can you block all view with only hands. Shen Wei look at him and was satisfied on what he see. "Stop looking at me pervert! I have a lawyer! Do you hear!" He shout. Shen Wei ignored him as he ordered his servants and maids to prepare the man to be his lover.  "Lover?! What?! Who are you to say I'm gonna be your lover!" Yunlan want to protest but suddenly one of servants blow something on his face making him weak and fall asleep.

    Minute pass, Yunlan woke dress in red robe with a wierd looking head piece of a dragon. "My head what happened?" As he tried to sit up but his still groggy like his drunk. But suddenly he smell something alluring. As he tried to focused on that person he can't help to find that scent so sweet.

    Shen Wei on the other hand made his rooms little dimmer and made a scent that can attract Yunlan to him.
"My sweet lover! Your almost look so delicious to eat!" Said Shen Wei as he sit beside Yunlan. Whose intensely gazing at him.

     Because of that sweetness scent Yunlan suddenly grab Shen Wei as his the first one who inniate the kiss. While Shen Wei smiling to know his lover is willing to give himself to him. While kissing passionately. Shen Wei took off Yunlan's red robe leaving him his inner white robe revealing his lean muscular tan figure.

    Shen Wei can't wait anymore as he took off Yunlan's inner robe revealing his bare body to Shen Wei.
Shen was amaze on how perfect his body lover is. One touch of his hand Yunlan would moan. As he trying to kiss Shen Wei's hand.

   When Shen Wei laid Yunlan on the bed he quickly attack him with rain of kisses while his other hand caress his bare body until he had touched Yunlan prize. Making Yunlan moan in pleasure. "As he kept screaming for more while Shen Wei pumping him non stop.

    When Shen Wei lips stop kissing and sucking his nipples. He descend to his prize as he lick and suck it. Making Yunlan scream while arching his body for more.  As he burst suddenly on Shen Wei's mouth. "You taste delicious my beautiful lover!" He said.

    Yunlan on the other hand tried to calmed down his breathing. But the scent that lingering on his nose making him hot and needy again. He didn't notice Shen Wei took an oil and prepared himself to to penetrate Yunlan. Suddenly as Shen Wei spread Yunlan legs his slowly thrusted his prize unto making him scream in pain. As his scream and moaning kept echoing in the entire room. He  vision suddenly black out while Shen Wei rocking his body non stop.


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