Sweet Ending

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      "Houyi! Is this your arrow?!" Long Wa angrily ask. "How did you get it?" As he was about to take it back.

     Long Wa suddenly grab his wrist. "Your hurt my son! Why did you do it?!" Long Wa can see Houyi's mind.
"That blasted human I told him to aim it to Yunlan and not Shen Wei!"


      "Dear god of the forest please help me! The emperor took the rebellion down and I'm the only one left?" As the rebel leader plead to his god to help him kill the emperor.
Houyi that time was really mad learning of his wife going back to earth to meet his son Yunlan again.

     Before he married Chang'e he knows he have a two sons to Xin ci but he set it aside because he love Chang'e. Chang'e told him he cannot love him but still he persue the wedding. And they're married life became a disaster. Ever since Yunlan been taken by the emperor.

    Chang'e have no time for him or bare to have a child. When rebel leader beg him to help. He gave the arrow to him and order to kill Yunlan. And he will give him back everything he lost. But the rebel leader didn't hid his words instead he shoot the arrow to Long Wa's son.

* Flashback Ended*

       "I didn't do anything! I lost my arrow in the forest while I'm training!" As he tried to lie to Long Wa. But the dragon god can see his lying. "You hurt my son! Now free him or meet my wrath!" As he called upon his wind and thunder. While Houyi panic, "Long Wa is much more powerful than him. As he break his hold he summon his forest to help him as he attack Long Wa with his magic arrows. But it didn't stop him. Long Wa just swat the arrows away. "Break the curse! Or I'll break you!" He shout.

    In earth as Yunlan sleep beside Shen Wei. They meet again and hugged each other. Yunlan had told everything to his husband making him furious as his Didi and now other leaders of the countries want his wife.

    "Don't worry Xiao Wei! I won't...." But he was cut out be Shen Wei kiss and suddenly cage him underneath near the river. "Sweet butt! Your mine! Don't let any one touch you!" While kissing his neck and pressing his flustered body to Yunlan's hot one. Yunlan moan as he felt Shen Wei attacking his nipples bitting and sucking it. While the other hand pinching the other. "Aaaaah.... Xiao Wei...." His suddenly arch his body to him making a friction to both their prize that made Shen Wei moan in pleasure.

    Suddenly a cough break there doing. The Duke remind Shen Wei that he need Yunlan to wake up. When suddenly Yunlan was pulled harshly away from him. Making the Duke and Shen Wei startled. "What happened?!" Shout Shen Wei .

     They look at the river and saw in the real world Yunlan was tied up and his mouth was gagh. While Yezun and his men is carrying him away. "Sorry Gege I'll make your wife mine! Then I'll be the emperor!" As Yezun pulled a dagger. That made Yunlan pop his eyes off. He want to scream that he will give everything he want just not to kill Shen Wei.

    In heaven as Long Wa about to kill Houyi. His wife came. "Stop! Why are you fighting my husband!" Chang'e ask. As she blocked Long Wa. "This arrow belong to him! And almost killed my son!" Long Wa shout.

    "It isn't true! I never intend to kill Shen Wei! That arrow was intended for Yunlan!" He accidentally said. Chang'e  widen her eyes and slapped him. "How could you! That arrow is for my son?!" Houyi shoved him.

    "Yes! If his gone! You won't come back to that Xin ci guy! Or to your other son! It's his fault! He should be killed! That stupid man it's his fault! If only he follow my  simple instruction! This won't be a disaster! So I will do it myself!" He shout.

    As he was about to leave. "Houyi!" Shout Chang'e. As she's the one that pierce the arrow in his heart. "I won't let you harm my family!" She shout to him. Houyi was shocked her wife is the one that killed him. As he fall down and sleep forever.  Suddenly thunder and lightning came alerting a god had killed another god.

    In the earth, as Yezun about to thrust his dagger to his Gege's heart. Shen Wei suddenly woke up and use his dragon bracelet to his Didi to throw him to the wall. Alerting the royal guards outside as all of them barge in the room with General Da quing.

    The men of Yezun fought the royal guards as they let Yunlan fall down the floor. Luckily Shen Wei caught him and took off his ropes.
"Xiao Wei! Your awake!" As he hugged Shen Wei. The men of Yezun were defeated while Yezun is caught by general Da quing.

    "Take them all to jail and I will deal with them later!" Shen Wei shout. All of them are shock
seeing Shen Wei awake and pretty furious.

    The news spread like wild fire that the emperor have awaken and pretty quite piss off hearing on what happened to his empress when his still sleeping. All the leaders that tried to flirt with his wife gave presents and gifts so the emperor's rage will not be upon them. While Yezun on the other hand was stripped off his prince status and vanished to his kingdom. Never to step a foot on the Shen Wei's land or his head will roll.

    In heaven Chang'e was punished for killing a god. But the Jade Emperor take pity on her. As he took off her power and became an ordinary woman.  Chang'e run back to his true family Xin ci and his sons. Eventhough Xin ci is still mad at her. He accepted her back because he still love her. At least now they can be together until their life end. Xen xen in a years pass became the royal head doctor.
While Yunlan and Shen Wei have a happy life. As  Long Wa gave them a present a little prince. As they all live happily ever after.

💫The End💫

Author's Note:

     Thank you my lovely readers and commentors for liking and following my story as it end another one will begin. Thank you again😘❤️❤️❤️

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