Eliminate Yunlan

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     Days pass by the concubines is been given back to their countries and money.

     Yunlan and Shen Wei never been clinging this days as their wedding is getting nearer. Always holding hand never letting go. Never giving Yezun the chance to ruin their lovely relationship.

    Yezun realized it's not his Gege his after but his new wifey. As he didn't know what hit him. In all his lives his Gege is only his world. But when the latter never reciprocate his feelings to him. He become frustrated and wanted the kingdom for himself to get his brother.

     But then Yunlan came that spark something inside of him that he didn't felt from his Gege. And now he wanted to get him at all cost. But the problem is his the wife of his Gege. And wouldn't let go of his Gege's hand ever. In sleeping, eating, walking and even taking a bath together.

    But one day he have a chance when all leaders of different countries came to congratulate the emperor for finding his empress. The emperor needed them to be welcome as he left Yunlan in the garden for a while with his servants and guards.

    Yezun suddenly came with chocolates. He tried to sign to the servants and guards to leave but they shake their heads. "Sire! We can't the last time we did it . We almost lost our heads!" As they bow to him.

     The time Yunlan has a minor amnesia because of the stone that hit his head. As he saw Yezun, "Who are you? Why do you look like my husband to be?!" He ask. "What happened to him?! Did he not remember me?" Yezun ask himself.

     As he went near to Yunlan and gave him chocolates. "This is a thanks for saving my life back then. We fell off a cliff but you save me! I'm Yezun! Shen Wei twin brother his Didi!" Suddenly Yunlan pulled him and gave him a hugged. "Why didn't you tell me your his Didi!" As Yunlan ruffled his hair. Making the servants giggle as well as the guards.

     "Please not the hair!" As he straighten up his hair. But at least now Yunlan became his friend and some how can touch him. But when he was about to reach for his hand.
"Didi! What are you doing here?!" Shen Wei furiously said.

     As he went to Yunlan side. "Look Gege I was only thanking him here!" Yezun said. Shen Wei suddenly took Yunlan away from him. And told him his the reason why he have a little amnesia. "Don't trust him!" Said Shen Wei.

     Yezun became furious,let's see Gege on whose Yunlan gonna trust!" As they left him there. Shen Wei on the other hand introduce Yunlan to the other delegates who came. "This is there leader Chu from the string clan while Guo Changcheng from the South. They're best friends since childhood but they said you two are becoming an item!" Said Shen Wei. Making Guo red. While Chu cough. "So this is the mysterious wifey you fell in love to! He is quite a handsome man!" Said Chu. "And have an angel voice! That's why I fell in love to him!" Add Shen Wei.

     Making Yunlan blushed lightly. "Really?! Can I hear your magnificent voice?" Ask Guo Changcheng. "Sorry but its only for my husband to be!" Said Yunlan. "Come on my sweet butt! Just a little so that they might know how lucky I am!" Said Shen Wei. As Yunlan nod.

     Suddenly prime minister Lin Jing announce that their empress to be will sing. As all delegates look their way. "Oh! No!" Said Yezun. "What is it your majesty?!" Ask general Da quing while his talking to Prince Yezun.

     "Tell to the musician to make the instruments  a bit louder!" Said Yezun. Making General Da quing look weirdly  to him.

     "As Yunlan begin to sing the musician play they're instrument louder making the listener can't hear what his singing. Shen Wei was a bit mad to his Didi while Yunlan a little disappointed when the song is over.
Everyone clapped and cheer for the empress to be, eventhough they didn't hear it.

    "You! Why did you done that to my wife to be?!" He ask Yezun. "You know I don't want anyone to hear Yunlan's angelic voice!"  In which he lied." Because if anyone might hear it. The latter might bleed their ear drums and declare war on them.

     While Yunlan and Shen Wei is called to prepare for the engagement party. There's people who didn't want them together not only Yezun but also...... Wang.

    "Princess Wang! Why are we doing this again? The emperor have given you money to your country! What else do you want from him?!" Sang ask. "Him! You know I love the emperor when I first saw him! Sang help me get rid of Yunlan! That bastard guy if he didn't show up! The emperor would have chosen me to be his empress!" That broke Sang's heart he wanted to say to Wang he love her. Why waste her time on someone who will never love her truly. But because he love her he would do anything for her.

     Another one  the blue haired guy whose finding the engagement quite frustrating. For he also like the emperor. But the emperor didn't even like him to be his concubine. That's why he hated him to his core as he thought he was straight. But upon learning he made a guy an empress. Made him quite mad.

    "Why he didn't choose me! Instead a foreigner in their land!" As he whispered to himself. And clenching his hold to the wine glass. As he almost break it when he saw Yunlan. "Nothing so special about him! Just his brown eyes that's mezmerizing the emperor as he always look at him lovingly. I must eliminate him!" Said the blue haired man. As he talk to his men.

    While Guo on the other hand, "I can't believe he sing beautifully Chu ge!" That made Chu slightly jealous to Yunlan. "Oh! No! Did Guo like that guy!" As he also glared to Yunlan.

    General Da quing felt the atmosphere is getting tense as he saw how the delegates look at their new empress.


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