The Replacement

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      Luckily Yunlan remember some basic information for treating a wound from his Didi. As he called his servants to get some medicine bandage and a dagger.

    First he let his servant help him in taking off the armor of the king. The prime minister  want to stop him. Only the royal doctors can see and touch the king if his sick or wounded. "Do you want him to die?! All of your doctors are gone! I'm the only one here to help him!" As prime minister Lin Jing let him.

      Moment pass, as Yunlan bandage the wound of Shen Wei, "Prime minister Lin Jing! Could you take care of the emperor for a while?" Yunlan suddenly ask. Prime minister  Lin Jing look puzzle at him. He suddenly wear the armor of the king and helmet.

    "What are you doing?! The emperor will be displeased if something happens to you?!" He shout. "We need time! To boost the confidence of the soldiers! If they see the king is alright. They will fight the battle easily!" As he went outside.

    Da quing his general went beside Yunlan and was surprised  to see his not the emperor. "I will replace him, the emperor is still hurt! Can you help me?!" He ask. As Da quing nod in reply. And cover his face.

    As Da quing shout to his men that the emperor is fine and healthy. It made the soldiers roar in cheering for their king. And ready to fight anyone who gets in their way.

    It's been hours and so. While General Da quing plan their fighting and strategies. Yunlan just listen and nod in response  while the men fight. Days became night.....night became day. Yunlan is getting exhausted on what's happening.

     He misses his beloved father, his annoying Didi and that soft pillow whose kissing him. "Yaaaahhh!!!! Why would I miss the emperor! It's because of of him I'm in this predicament! I wish I never meet him. And I will have my simple, happy life back there. Going to my job with my nagger boss and going back home with my loving family who have many problems? Well at least I'm not in this foreign time zone where a king kept seducing me and  taking advantage of me to be his lover!" He suddenly stopped as he remembered that soft pink lips that kept kissing him non stop. "No!!!! Yunlan don't think about that lips!" He almost kept banging on the wall. That he didn't notice general Da quing came as he cough and almost laugh on what Yunlan's doing.

    "What is it?!" He ask in irritation and to hide his embarrassment. "Sire! We have capture the rebels and we won!" As he announced gleefully. "It means I can go home now!" He cheerfully said.

     "Yes! Sire! Back into the arms of the emperor!" Said Da quing. Suddenly his beautiful world change. "Oh! Yes! I forgot I'm his lover!" He internally said.

    When he came back the emperor's people cheer for him as they thought his the emperor. He only wave to them. Unknown to him the real emperor is watching him at the balcony of his room. "Sire! Your lover have save your kingdom and made you popular to your people! Aren't you gonna give him a reward?" The prime minister ask.

     The emperor suddenly smirk, "I have already know what will I give him." As he smirk.

     Moment pass, as Yunlan came to his room to change his wardrobe. He received news that the emperor is fine and walking now. "Hmmph! He never even greeted me! That spoiled brat!" As he took off his clothes and went to the bath tub to relax his aching body.

     The scent of the bath is so sweet and refreshing with rose petals and milk, making Yunlan think of someone. As he close his eyes to relax. He didn't notice the emperor have also accompany him on the bath and went beside him.

    He yelp in surprise when Shen Wei suddenly stroke his prize underneath the water making it hot and hard. Yunlan want to stop his hands. But Shen Wei suddenly kiss him passionately making him drawn to that sweet lips that he miss so much.

    His hands suddenly wrapped around Shen Wei's neck. "Aaah...!!!" As he suddenly burst on the emperor's hand. "I miss your moaning! Sweet butt!" Said Shen Wei. While his attacking his neck. Yunlan was on cloud nine as he felt Shen Wei's soft lean muscular body pressed unto him. That sweet smell of Shen Wei is drowning him further as he didn't notice. His legs is spread as Shen Wei thrust his prize to him.

   That huge prize kept rocking to his body non stop, making Yunlan lost himself as he scream for more. His legs suddenly wrapped around Shen Wei's hips to make Shen Wei hit that soft spot again and again until he burst inside of him. Making Yunlan a moaning mess. "Shen Wei!!!" He kept screaming his name while he suddenly bit him on the neck. As he spilled his seeds on him as well.

    Shen Wei was surprised on that, he didn't anticipate his lover will be wilder today. As he carried him back on the bed and continue their love making. Yunlan thought that Shen Wei would leave him. He suddenly hold him tightly and whispered, "Don't leave!" While burrying his face on Shen Wei's neck.

    Shen Wei chuckled. "I won't! I will have you until morning if you want too!" As he laid him on the bed and continue kissing and rocking his body unto him. Their love making echoing loud in their room. As you will hear Yunlan cried for more. While Shen Wei kept slamming his prize unto him. Their love making continue until early morning.

    As the emperor fall into Yunlan's flustered body. He can't help to caress his sleeping lover's face. If your only a woman I have impregnate you everyday! My sweet butt! But alas your a man! And defended my kingdom! I shall reward you with my love and affection so you would forget your previous life in the present and live here with me forever!" As he kiss him on the forehead and sleep with him.


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