Continuing The Engagement

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      While Yunlan have change his clothes and about to walk out.

    He was surprised that someone gagh his mouth with a sedative. He suddenly fall asleep. While the men tied him up and put him in the sack and leave. Wang and Sang seen what happened.

    "Follow them! I should be the one who took Yunlan!" As the two followed the men. Yezun on the other hand as he want to see Yunlan for the last time.

    Was shocked to see the guards and the servants lied unconscious on the floor. He suddenly saw Wang and Sang and followed them in case they have something to do with the missing empress.

    Shen Wei on the other hand want
to accompany Yunlan as he saw the scene he called the guards to find his missing husband again. He suddenly saw a trace of foot prints of men as he follows them with general Da quing and prime Minister Lin Jing.

    The guests didn't know what's happening as they only thought that the emperor and empress is being late because of  preparing their clothes. And just heard one of the guard that the empress is missing. Guo who became a fan of the empress help in finding him followed by Chu whose quiet annoyed knowing his man is admiring another man.

     The guests are panicking while the other guards tried to calmed them down. They didn't notice the blue haired guy have slipped through their grasp and running toward the meeting place of his men.

    Yunlan on the other hand as he woke up being carried by the men, tried to get free. Suddenly spark came from his eyes as bolt of electricity hit the man that's carrying him. While the tied Yunlan burst into flame making his rope and sack burned as he was set free.

    The men was shocked trying to cope what's happening.  As all of them got electric shocked. He didn't anticipate Wang will struck him up with a wood on his back as fell unconcious again. "Hurry! Carried him up. As Sang carried him on his back and about to slipped away.

    "Stop! What are you two doing?! Your kidnapping the empress!" Shout Yezun as he took the unconcious Yunlan.  Whose Sang is grabbing back. "I thought you'd be happy that Yunlan will be gone!" Shout Wang. "Yes! It was but not this time! I want him to be mine!"

     That made Wang and Sang dumb founded. "You fallen for that guy as well!" Shout Wang angrily. "Stop! Give me back my wife!" Said the angry Shen Wei. As all of them freeze.

    But they didn't anticipate that the blue haired guy with his few men suddenly grabbed Yunlan from Yezun. "I won't let you have him! When you broken my heart into many pieces!" As the blue haired man pull a dagger and place it near Yunlan's neck.

     Everyone gasp, "Don't hurt my bride!" Shout Shen Wei. As he sign to general Da quing to rescue Yunlan from behind while prime minister Lin Jing stood near the emperor.

    But suddenly a string pulled the dagger away making the blue hair guy unconsciously forgot Yunlan on the other hand as he fall on the ground and hit his head again. "Sweet butt!" Shout the emperor. As the fight begin.

    While everyone is fighting Shen Wei trying to get his man whose suddenly woke up from his sudden fall. Looking to unfamiliar scene and faces got him frighten.

   As his electric lightning flared from different direction. "Where am l?!" As blood drip from his head. "Are you all trying to hurt me!"    He shout making all of them frozen into place. As he felt the blood and touched it with his hand.

    His electric suddenly explode making everyone scream and back away from him. Everything he touched burned to the ground.  "If he forgotten about us! He will burned the entire kingdom!" Shout the prime Minister Lin Jing.

    The emperor quickly ran toward his bride to be while the prime Minister Lin Jing tried to stop him.
"Sweet butt! It's me your Xiao Wei!" He shout. As Yunlan look his way and about to blast him with his electric. Shen Wei have already hugged him tightly and sealed his lips to him. Making Yunlan eyes went wide. As he struggle to his hold and electricuted him.

     But it never work to Shen Wei because he also have the blood of a god. Shen Wei hold him into place until he surrender to him. The guards tried to help him in lifting his bride. But the emperor won't let them touch him instead his the one that carried Yunlan back to their room with so much affection.

    Making his twin understand that he won't let go of Yunlan no matter what. While Wang look defeated. How can she fight him if his a half god and the emperor heart is with him. While the blue haired guy is apprehended by general Da quing and his men and will be beheaded for harming the empress.

    The party was cancelled and will be continue another week until the empress is well again. Each day pass by Shen Wei always remind of Yunlan whose he and what he is for him. Luckily Yezun have give up his love for Yunlan and went back to hid  castle.

    Yunlan on the other hand still learning little by little his love for Shen Wei. Sometimes Shen Wei will surprise him by hugging him from behind or stealing a kiss from him. Never letting go of his hand. But Shen Wei is getting frustrated because he can't make love to him. Yunlan still frighten in doing it. But he still endure it for the love of Yunlan.

     Until the day again of their engagement. Many guests came congratulating while his parents came Xin ci and his Didi Xen xen by the help of Long Wa. While Long Way came with Chang'e  comouflage  as one of the visitors.

     "Dad! Xen xen!" Shout Yunlan while hugging both of them. "We heard you got your head injured! Are you alright now?!" Ask his father. "Yes Dad! A little amnesia but I got a little power from it." As he showed it to his father. A small electric flow from his hand. Making his family surprised. "If you forget everything? Then that means your love for Shen Wei is gone? Do you two make love again?" His Didi ask. His dad suddenly hit his shoulder. "Don't ask their personal thing. Yunlan suddenly think will he still continue the engagement knowing his love for Shen Wei is forgotten as well.

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