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      Yezun laugh hearing what his Gege is saying. While the other concubines got silent and furious including Wang.

     "Gege! Is this a joke? How can he be an empress? His a man! Wake up Gege there's other concubines whose much more beautiful than him! His just an ordinary man!" Shout Yezun. But suddenly a blade was place near his throat.

    "Insult my empress and I'll kill you in no time!" Said Shen Wei. Yezun shut up and look at Yunlan angrily. "What this guy have that the other concubines of Gege don't have?" He internally said.

    As he looked at him from head to foot. "Hmmm.....his handsome, tall, athletic build, plump lips?" But when he suddenly looked into  Yunlan's cute brown eyes. He was suddenly stunned. Shen Wei notice it and suddenly neared his swords again.

    "Didi! Don't look at my wife to be like that?!" Yezun look at him puzzle. "Look what?!" He ask. "Are you desiring my wife to be?!" Shen Wei ask. Yezun laugh, "I have many concubines as well?! Why would I like someone like him! And you know who do I want!" As he wink to his Gege.

    Shen Wei put down his sword as Yezun wrapped his arms again to him. "Didi! Don't! My wife is looking at us?!" Said Shen Wei. "Oh....! You mean the guy whose leaving now!" Said Yezun. "Sweet butt! Wait!" As he tried to removed his hold from Yezun.

    And ran toward Yunlan whose steaming mad. Shen Wei tried to hold him. But Yunlan was red in rage. "Don't touched me!" As he went to one of bench in the garden and sit. Shen Wei sit beside him. "My Didi is very clingy to me but be careful he can deceive anyone, even me! Come on sweet butt! I didn't mean it his just like your brother!" As Shen Wei hold Yunlan's hand and squeeze it.

    But Yunlan suddenly snatched back his hand. "Brother my foot! I saw how he kiss you!" Shen Wei suddenly embrace him and kiss him on the neck. "Your the one who owns my heart! No one else!" As he suddenly cup Yunlan's face and kiss him gently. Yunlan responded to his kiss and he suddenly wrapped his arms to him.

    An hour pass, as they break the kiss. "Your the one I love! Don't you forget that!" As he caress Yunlan's face. Making him smile and lean his head to him. "I love you too! I don't want anyone to touch you! Only me!" As he hugged Shen Wei tightly.

    They didn't know Yezun is watching them. "My Didi is only mine! That lover of his is trouble and needed to be eliminated!" He said internally.

    While Yunlan is leaning to Shen Wei. "Sing for me sweet butt! I want to hear your angelic voice!" Said Shen Wei. That brightens Yunlan and started to sing.

    Making Yezun ears go deft. "What kind of song is that?! My ears! My ears! I cannot take it anymore!" As he left them.

   Moment pass, Shen Wei discuss to the ministers on what event will happen and the concubines will go back to their respective kingdom and will be given compensation for their service to the emperor.

    Yunlan on the other hand was resting in their room. Suddenly Yezun came and sign the servants to leave. Yunlan seat up ready for anything. Eventhough he looks like his angel his a devil in disguise and will always snatched his Shen Wei away.

    "What do you want?!" Yunlan ask. "We introduce in the wrong footing!" As he smile melting Yunlan's heart but he suddenly remembered the words of Shen Wei. "Zhao Yunlan!" As he was about to shake his hand. Suddenly Yunlan was pulled by Yezun into his arms.

    "Yunlan tell me! How do you get Gege attention?! Is it your cute brown eyes?" As he was about to kiss him. Yunlan trying to shoved him. "Excuse me! Xiao Wei love me for what I am! Let me go!" As he shoved him. But Yezun is quite strong until Yunlan step on his foot making him scream and flipped him up.

    "And excuse me! I didn't force Xiao Wei to like me! He kidnapped me!" As he leave Yezun laying on the bed. "Kidnapped?!" Yezun whispered to himself.

    Yunlan thought everything is okay as he leave Yezun in their room. But he didn't anticipate Yezun would be tailing him. "Hey! Zhao Yunlan wait!" He shout. Yunlan on the other hand trying to loose him in the garden.

    But suddenly Yunlan stop as he face a big bushes. "Damn! Why did there's block here!" As he was about to walk back, Yezun came while panting. "Why are you walking so fast?!" Ask Yezun. "Look Yezun I don't want to talk to you! You kiss my Xiao Wei?!" Yunlan shout. "Where twins and siblings! Nothing wrong in that?" Yezun smirk.

    "His your brothers! For god sake! I have a brother too! We don't kiss like that?! And furthermore you try to kiss me!" Yunlan said. Yezun just shrug his shoulder.

    "Aaah! I can't believe it! You two brothers! You make me crazy!" Said Yunlan. As Yezun about to step toward him. Suddenly rain pour down. "Zhao Yunlan! Let's go back to the castle!" As he offer his hand. But Yunlan  just swat his hand and about to leave. When Yezun about to step toward him, he slipped and almost fall on a cliff. Luckily he got hold on a tree branch.

    "Yezun! Hold on!" As Yunlan caught his hand Yunlan tried to pull him up. But the ground is slippery. Until he also fall with Yezun.

    Shen Wei on the other hand as he saw its raining outside the palace he suddenly felt something wrong. As he excuse himself to the ministers and tried to find Yunlan with his guards following him. As he saw the servants of Yunlan's outside the room. "Where is my empress!" He shout at them. Making them jump in surprise.

    "Sire! His missing!" One of the servants said. "What?!" He shouted again to them. "Prince Yezun command us to leave to talk to the empress. But when we came back, they're both missing!" Said one of the servant.

    "Find my wife! Find my empress!" Shout Shen Wei to the guards. General Da quing came, "Sire! What's happening?!" He ask. "My Didi he took my wife to be! My precious sweet butt!" Shen Wei said.

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